Peaches: Tyrion/ Bronn/ Reader

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"Did you see that?"
You look to your friend, Nate, as he stares ominously into the thick brush a few feet ahead of you. A worried expression on his face, he looks back to you in questioning.
"I think you're beginning to see things, Nate." You nonchalantly state as you continue on your intended path along the small trail. He stays in his place, and you begin to get bored and shoot him a look of annoyance.
"Come on, we need t-"
"Did you hear that?!?" He yells, terror filling his voice.
"Now you're beginning to hear things as well, shall I take you to the maester? Or do you want us to stand here as statues for the rest of the day instead?" You joke, turning to face him and taking steps towards him.
"(Y/n), I really think I heard something. See there's even something moving in there!" He shouts as he points to the brush, slightly rustling. You look back for a second and it immediately stops, leaving a few shaking leaves. You whip around in annoyance to face your frightened friend.
"It's probably an animal! We ARE in the woods after all! What else c-"
Suddenly you hear something break out into the clearing along with a heavy crash of branches breaking. You turn to see a man dressed in heavy furs with a crazed expression on his face. He holds a large axe as he stumbles into the large open area, and immediately sets his eyes on the two of you.
"(Y/n), we need to get out of here." Nate whispers as he tugs on your tunic and takes a few small steps back.
"That's some necklace ya got there." The man grunts as he looks you up and down with an expression that makes you uneasy. You instinctively grab your necklace, the small pendant of crystal glittered in the sun. He begins to take steps towards you.
"Looks like a pretty little thing..." he says as he approaches you.
"Get back." You strongly state, voice even and filled with false confidence.
"Or what." He practically purrs as he lifts his axe threateningly.
At this you both take off running. You practically knock Nate over as you both sprint towards the main road. You hear heavy footsteps behind you, and look back to see him only a few years behind you, and gaining foot quickly. You continue running as fast as possible, and are clotheslined, sending you practically cartwheeling onto the dirt beneath you. You hit the ground hard, sending dust flying in every direction around you. You feel another thump next to you, and see Nate hit whatever you did.
You finally look up, and see a horse. You must have rocketed into the horse and almost knocked yourself out. On the horse is a very short man; in fact, he appears to be only a few feet tall. You've never seen a small person before. He has shaggy golden hair, and wears all black. He has friendly, brown eyes.
"Are you alright?" He asks, voice filled with concern.
"Must've been runnin real fast, didn't even look to us. Somethin must've scared em back there." You hear a sarcastic voice join in, and hear the trotting of another horse joining your small group. You look to see a man of regular stature, black hair reaching his shoulders, a smirk on his face.
You hold your head in pain, your long hair cascading from your back to the front, shining in the sunlight. You definitely have an injury. You look over to see Nate completely knocked out.
"There... there was a man. He wanted to rob us... probably kill us... we were running..." you mutter in agony as you release a groan of pain as you apply pressure on an attempt to soothe your throbbing temples.
You hear a thud of someone dismounting their horse, and feel a hand on your shoulder.
"Quite a scare you had there. You should probably go to a maester. We'll take you. Come on." You feel yourself being lifted as the dark haired man lifts you up and helps you on your feet. He helps you mount his horse, and then he turns to Nate. He throws Nate on the back of the small man's horse, and then rejoins you on the horse.
"Back to Kings Landing." He says before slightly slapping the horse's backside to move.
"Oh, we're alright, don't worry. You don't have to mother us!" You try to explain, but he interrupts.
"I insist. Plus, we have the best care at the kingdom. You'll really get the royal treatment." The dark haired main winks.
Suddenly it hits you.
"You're Tyrion Lannister!" You shout, full of surprise.
"Yes, lucky guess." The small man smiles as he turns to look at you.
"I've never seen you before. I live on the outskirts of the city! Oh my gods! I'm being rescued by Tyrion Lannister!" You giggle.
"And Bronn. Don't forget Bronn helped save the day too!" The dark haired man sarcastically states.
"Of course! I'm (y/n) by the way. That's Nate." You point to the still unconscious man gently bumping up and down in rhythm with the horse.
"I see. Are you two wed?" Tyrion asks.
You immediately are sent into a fit of laughter.
"Oh no! He's my best friend!" You state.
"Pity. You're a beautiful girl, and he's a fair boy. It'd be a fair match." Bronn states nonchalantly.
"Oh no. I want to go adventure all over Westeros before I marry! I want to see the world!" You sigh as you think of all the beautiful places you've read about.
"Haven't traveled much have you?" Tyrion sympathetically asks.
"Not really. We don't have much money, not since dad died, but on my name day I get to travel to the city to explore. I save all year for it, and I look forward to it every day! I get to see the markets and streets and everything. It's the most beautiful thing!" You beam.
You see Tyrion give you a sad grin, and know he kind of pities you. He has loads of riches, and probably will travel more in a week than you will in your life.
"But I mean, why leave home when it's so lovely! I love being home with my mom and brothers and sisters. I'm the oldest. I have four brothers and five sisters. They love to laugh and play and explore with me! And they love my baking. I make a wonderful peach loaf with cinnamon, sugar, and spices. It's the most wonderful part of the week. The whole house is filled with the scent! It's like you're floating in the heavens!" You giggle as you are filled with memories.
Tyrion slows down his horse to be next to you, and he leans close to you.
"Tell you what, (y/n), if you bring me a peach loaf for every name day of mine, I'll let you go anywhere is Westeros you want for your name date. Sound like a deal?"
Your eyes grow wide in shock and excitement. You gasp in utter happiness and release a squeal.
"Yes! Absolutely! Yes!" You happily yell repeatedly and hold onto his hand tight.
He laughs and squeezes your hand in return.

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