Rescue- Pod, Brienne, Jaime, Bronn,Hound

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You shout the loudest you can, effectively squeezing every last breath from your lungs as you look quickly around you for any sort of assistance. Nothing.
You turn back to the terrifying man, not exactly old but not young. He has dark hair and sharp green eyes that pierce your soul. Holding a knife in the air, he waves his finger at you while smiling in an attempt to intimidate you. You back up slowly, trying to slowly diffuse the situation and escape. Before you can take more than a few steps back, you feel your back bump into something. You release a scream as another knife is pressed to your throat, but are silenced as a dirty, grime covered hand covers your mouth and the silver blade draws droplets of blood from your smooth skin.
"Shhhhhhhh. Shhh shh shh. There there now darling. We won't hurt ya if ya just stop squealing, alright? Can ya promise me ya won't scream?" The deep voice behind you asks.
You gently nod your head up and down in agreement, releasing a slight groan as the blade slightly cuts you. You feel the hand coming off your mouth as your knees are kicked out and you land on them awkwardly and put your hands down to steady yourself in the dirt.
"See, pretty thing? That's a good girl. Don't open your pretty mouth and you'll be fine! Well, only open it when we tell ya!" The first man laughs aggressively as they both stand in front of you. The other man is blonde, larger, and about the same age.
"I have no money." You state with an even voice, refusing to let it quiver from fear.
"That's not what we want and you know it." The large man says with a snicker as he takes a knee to be even height with you.
"You'll have to kill me first." You furrow your eyebrows with anger and courageously mutter the words as the men laugh.
"I'll do ya cold if I have to, but it's more fun when it's a struggle." The smaller man laughs, and it is then you notice his toothless grin.
You fall back onto your hands and stumble back on your hands and feet, scrambling, while they grin and begin to make excited sounds of whooping and hollering as they walk towards you.
"We should take her in the woods, so no one on the road can hear her yell..." the blonde man says.
"They won't hear her yell! She'll be moanin after we have her for a bit!" The dark haired one states with a laugh.
"Either way, we should take her back just in case."
"I guess, I'll grab her legs, you find a spot."
You can hear horses in the distance and smile. Just as you are about to yell out, you are smacked in the face. The blonde man rips his shirt and ties the strip around your mouth in a gag.
"Get back! Now!" He shouts the the shorter man as he grabs your legs.
"Hehhhhhhhf mmmmmmmm!" You try to scream, tears falling from your eyes. This is your only chance. They'll probably kill you after they're done with you. This is your last hope.
You drag your nails in the dirt, trying to grab a clump that is deeply rooted or somehow find a footing in the ground, but helplessly watch as little crumbles fall around your hands. You scrape with all your effort, crying out and releasing guttural animal-like cries as you try to hold on and kick your legs and captor.
You can now see there are multiple people on horseback. At least five.
You are near the edge of the woods when you grab a small rock and throw it towards the road with all your might. You see it skip on the hard surface and create small clouds of dust. Maybe they'll see it. They were so close.
Your body is attacked by thorn bushes and small sharp rocks as you are dragged both on your back and stomach across the forest floor. They do not care about the roots, plants, or fallen branches that assault you as you are ruthlessly whipped across the terrain.
Suddenly, you stop.
There are twigs and leaves stocking from the mess of your hair. Your face is covered with blood and caked with dirt, patches of brown covering your body. Your dress is ripped and I'm a heap at your lap. The entirety of your body is broken, bruised, and bleeding.
"Now for the fun part."
The blonde man holds a knife out as he begins to unbuckle his breeches. The other laughs and sticks his hand inside his breeches, a dirty grin on his face. The tall man pushes your shoulders back roughly and wraps your arms behind your back so you cannot move. He is straddling you, and laughs as he untied your gag.
"I wanna hear you scream." He whispers with a smirk.
At this, you release your loudest scream as you see that he is beginning to trail his hands on your upper thighs. You close your eyes and try to be somewhere else. Anywhere. Just as he gets to your inner thigh, you feel something sticky hit your face. You quickly open your eyes in fear as you see a knife jutting from his throat. He is clutching at his bleeding wound, turning around, while still on you, to see the other man in complete shock. The other man begins to walk towards the two of you when an arrow flies through his head, sending him falling lifeless to the ground.
The man on top of you releases his throat and falls limp on top of you.
You scream as you attempt to lift his heavy body off of you, the feeling of blood pouring onto your body odd and disgusting.
Suddenly, a figure flashes in your field of vision. It's a very tall, muscular man with orange hair, wild eyes, and a crazed expression on his face.
"See, I told ya I saw someone." He yells as you see more figures crowd the small area.
The largest man you've ever seen grabs the man on top of you and throws him off effortlessly. He has a burnt face, long, dirty hair, and a mean expression.
Then there is a woman, tall, blonde. Plain faced, but not ugly, she's looking at you with a shocked expression as she kneels by you to put a hand beneath your back and sit you upwards. A boy follows her every move, about your age, looking quite out of his element and anxious.
"Up slowly now, easy. You're alright now." The woman states calmly as she eases your upper body up, still sitting on the ground.
"There someone really back here, or is Tormund trying to kill us?" You hear a proud voice booming as a nicely dressed, gorgeous man steps through the clearing. He is missing a hand, but strides elegantly.
"If you're gonna kill us at least let me take a piss first..." you hear a sarcastic, deep voice booming before a brown haired man with shoulder length locks and a mustache  steps in behind the other man.
"Oh... sorry." The sarcastic man says as he assesses your current state.
"Before you rudely interrupted, we were trying to figure out what happened." The woman stated.
"What's your name?" The red haired man asks.
"Katie." You answer in a small voice, slightly shaking still from shock.
"Well, Katie, could you tell us exactly what just happened?" The man with the golden hand asks politely and soothingly.
"Well, I was going along the road to see my friend, and these men came out of the woods with knives and threatened me. I tried to run but they caught me, and they dragged me off into the woods. They said they wanted to... that they were going to... well, r-"
"I see, I see." The red haired man interrupts, noting your discomfort and saving you from saying it.
"Who- who are you? And how did you find me?" You ask.
"I am Brienne of Tarth and this is Podrick, my squire. He-" she pointed to the red haired man, "is Tormund. He-" she pointed to the tall, burnt man, "is known as the Hound. He-" she points to the man with the golden hand, "is Ser Jaime Lannister. And he-" she points to the brown haired man by Jaime, "is Bronn. We've been traveling along these roads for quite some time. Tormund there thought he heard someone telling, and saw a rock fly out from the woods. He jumped off his horse to follow the screams, and then we found the source. Bronn immediately threw his knife while Tormund shot with an arrow. Looks like we got here just in time." The woman answered.
You take a deep breath and release a sigh, "you have no idea how grateful I am for you. That was incredible bravery. You saved me." You state with a smile. "How can I repay you?"
"No need, Katie, nothing to thank us for. We'd do it again." Brienne says proudly.
"At least let me pay for my heroes meals! There is a wonderful pub a mile down with amazing pies!"
"Oh, we could never ask you-"
"You weren't asking! I insist! Please!"
They all look at each other and eventually nod and smile.
"Yay! Follow me!" You shout as you get up and lead them out of the woods and to the road. You share a horse with Podrick, and lead your heroes to dinner.

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