Future - tormund/brienne

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You're casually strolling the yard when you catch sight of her. She's dueling with Pod, the young squire, and you hear a series of frustrated yelps and grunts of anger from the boy as Brienne beats him every time. You watch her casually chirp "no!" As she taps her sword to his back, causing him to yell through gritted teeth in anger. Just as she is about to reposition herself for the next duel, she catches sight of you with a look of surprise. You then release a smile and raise your eyebrows up seductively, strutting towards the pair. Her eyes fill with a familiar look as she realizes you want to talk to her again, causing her to lose focus and drop her guard.
Taking advantage of the situation, Podrick quickly lands a decent strike on her shoulder, sending a thick cracking sound through the wind in addition to his grunt. Brienne reacts immediately with eyes full of anger at herself for getting distracted, and she immediately gets her fight back. She gives Podrick a swift kick to the gut and pushes him powerfully into a small snowbank on the ground, sending snow flying into the air as you hear the scraping of metal as Podrick's sword hits the ground.
"You're a lucky man." You enthusiastically state to the young man currently face first in the snow, his breath gently moving flakes of the icy cotton everywhere.
It is then that your eyes turn and lock on your target, the beautiful goddess that is Brienne. She's such a beauty, her golden hair, strong muscles. God, that woman could chop off your balls and you'd be honored.
As you look back to Brienne and raise your eyebrows seductively, to which she responds by looking away and shifting uncomfortably in the snow, her sword pointed to the ground.
You approach her with a strut, practically walking like a peacock across the snow covered ground as you gage her discomfort and shyness with a devilish grin.
"Ya fight mean, like a bear, my beauty." You beam flirtatiously as you approach her, only inches separating your cold bodies.
"I fight with honor, that's how I beat a bear." She shyly murmurs the last part, hoping you would not hear it.
But you did
"A bear? You fought a bear?" Your eyes shoot open in shock and awe as she rolls her eyes and looks away. "I always liked bears. Quick. Feisty. Real challenge ,ya know, not only to fight, but to fuck." You teasingly emphasize the last word and watch her squirm. She's not used to such vulgarity, but you keep your northern language in every situation.
"You can't possibly expect me to believe that." She mockingly challenges.
"Oh, my beauty, but it's true. She was a big and feisty thing, just like you. Great big monster claws, angry eyes, but soft and sweet down below." You finish your description with a wicked smirk as she once again looks away with a crimson blush spreading through her cheeks.
"What is it, beauty? You still don't believe me now?"
"Tormund, we both know you didn't... lay with a bear."
Why does she choke on the word? Oh, she's still a maid! You had completely forgotten. Of course she's shy, she's not become a woman yet.
"I can show you what I did, and then you can decide if you believe my words... and my actions..." You coo seductively as an even deeper shade of red takes over her cheeks and spreads to her neck.
She likes it.
"That won't be necessary. I must go to Lady Sansa now." Brienne hurriedly confesses as she trains her eyes to the ground and dashes across the training yard towards the red haired girl upon the stairs.
For one second she looks back to you with a look of confusion and you wink. She's yards away but you can distinctly see the red color her cheeks once more and you release a laugh.
Podrick stands awkwardly beside you as he dusts off the remaining snow flakes.
I want to make babies with her... great big monsters. They'll conquer the world! Great big warriors. Just like you, and just like her. She'd be a great mother. You have daydreams of helping deliver your first born together, and giving a kiss to the babe's head as you hand it to Brienne. Her large, calloused hands enveloping the babe with care and love. Her eyes drip rivulets of motherly love as she sees the visual equivalent of your love being held and supported in her own hands. You land a kiss on her forehead as the vision changes.
Now there are two babes suckling at her milky breasts as she tried to keep her eyes open, barely getting any sleep with the fussy children. It's an amazing sight. Her eyes are drifting down as if holding up a tremendous weight. She sits in a wooden chair half asleep, a warm glow on her face from the fire as her golden hair is strewn across her glistening forehead.
A new vision appears of the two of you in a steaming hot spring, naked as the day you were born. The steam rises from the blue waters as she envelops you in a hungry kiss, body heat rising. She moans as she sits down and takes you fully, a deep, throaty sound. As you begin to thrust into her you can hear her heavy panting and see the flush on her cheeks, spreading down her long neck, down further past her strong shoulders, straight to her perky-
You are shaken from your thoughts with a jump as you look to see the boy standing there with a curious look on his face.
"I've called your name but you didn't answer. Are you all right?" He questions, voice full of terror.
"I'm fine, boy. Just thinkin about the future." You casually murmur as you look up towards Brienne, speaking with the Statk girl and the skinny fucker.
You will protect her.
You will protect your future.

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