Lost- brienne/pod/tormund/reader friendship

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You can see the hazy fog of your shallow breathing as it forms in the frozen air. Small billows of smoke leave your chapped, bleeding lips as your eyelashes flutter, trying to stay awake. Your whole body is numb now, it has been for hours, but you have to keep going. There are ice crystals hanging from your lashes, creating a kaleidoscope effect producing rainbows when you squint your eyes.your cheeks are reddened deeper as another batch of snow falls from the tree branches above you, cascading over your face like a frozen blanket. Your shivering hand wipes the remaining flakes away as you try to distract yourself from the pain as you focus on the crunch of snow beneath your shoes. They're now wet, leathery and practically useless, but they're still a tiny barrier between the snow and your frozen body. You're shaking horribly now, to the point where your steps are becoming uneven.
You feel yourself falling before you can even react. Your hair is sprawled out in the snow before you can reach your hands down to catch yourself. You see tufts of the icy cotton move to form a barrier around your lump body, too weak to move. A tear falls from your cheek before you can stop it. You see the trees in the distance fade with the light of day. The sky is a deep purple now, signaling the progression of the moon to the sky as stars glitter the darkness.
You shut your eyes to let the black, cold night engulf you.
"Hey!" A deep, calloused voice calls out, echoing between the trees.
It must be an illusion, a mirage or something, no one is out here at this time of day... well... night. Either way, you don't bother opening your eyes and get your hopes up only to see nothing. You're content with your death, might as well not tease yourself with a fake promise of salvation.
"You trying to freeze to death, milady?" You hear the same voice only feet away from you.
Finally, you open your eyes.
Before you is a boy, probably about your age, maybe older. He's wearing brown furs and leather, with a chocolate brown horse being led behind him. He has dark, handsome hair that slightly blows in the cold breeze. He holds a lantern in his hand, sending a yellow, friendly hue to his deep eyes.
"Are you... are you real?" You gasp the words desperately, practically breathless as you slightly raise yourself from your bed of snow.
"Very real. Who are you?" He asks as he raises the lantern towards you to try to get a better look.
"I'm Katherine. Who are you?" You manage to ask with chattering teeth.
"Podrick Payne. How long have you been out here?"
You look to the sky to see complete darkness.
"I... I don't know... hours. I don't know. It's getting warmer though at least, I can't even feel the cold anymore!" You state as you smile.
His face contorts into confusion and fear as you realize you are no longer cold.
"Pod... where are you, we need to go back to winterfell now!" You hear a slightly higher pitched voice in the distance as another light approaches you.
A tall, blonde figure riding on a white horse comes near.
"Lady Brienne, help! We need to help!" Podrick shouts as she comes to a stop by you two, nearly trampling you both as the figure dismounts.
Lady? Lady Brienne? Could it be THE lady Brienne? The tall, fierce soldier?
"What did you get us into now P-" she cuts herself off with a gasp as she puts her lantern to you.
I mean, you can't blame her, you must be a sight to see: nearly dead, probably blue skin, bleeding lips, lying almost lifeless in the snow, chocolate, long hair spread out around you, the only color left on you besides the brown of your eyes. You only have a black cloak and a thin tunic dress, but at least the cloak covers you.
The woman raises a hand to your forehead as your eyes begin to flutter again. She gasps again.
"She's freezing. We have to get her back. Now." She shouts before you feel your body being lifted into the air.
"What's happening? Is she dying?" You hear the male voice as you're lifted onto a horse with the woman behind you.
"Pod. NOW." She shouts again as the horse takes off, sending you flying backwards into her chest.
You feel yourself falling sleepier as the ride goes on.
"Stay awake! Listen to me, stay awake! What's your name? Hey! What is your name?" You hear her desperately trying to call you from your sleep.
"Katherine..." you whisper gently before you feel your body become completely limp as the world fades away.

You hear mumbling.
Everything sounds like it is being echoed or that it is far away. You have that underwater hearing, where everything is unclear and blurred. You open your eyes slightly and see blurred brown/orange hues. You blink them rapidly to try to get a clearer view, and see a few blurry figures before you. Your hearing starts to get better, and you can make out certain words and parts of sentences.
"She.. e okay." You hear a deep voice say.
"Try... best... too late..." you can hear the woman from before saying.
"No... e's fine... st resting now." You can hear the boy from earlier.
"Who... she..." another voice says.
"Her n... atherine.. I don't k..."
You stir slightly to feel heavy weights on you, causing you to whimper.
You hear gasping and the rumbling of footsteps as the figures come closer.
"It's okay, everything's fine." You Podrick soothing you.
You groan and whimper again as you struggle beneath the weight on top of you.
"Shhhhh, it's alright. They're blankets. They're just blankets." You hear a deep voice comforting you and focus your eyes to see a red haired man with a beard and furs.
You try to sit up but are too weak, so you get help from the boy as he leans you forward slightly.
"Who... are..." is all you manage to croak out before they motion for you to stop speaking.
"I don't know if you remember me, but my n-"
"Pod." You manage to croak once again with a smile.
He immediately grins and lays a hand on your shoulder, the warmth radiating on your skin comfortably as you lean your neck into the feeling.
He laughs and you see everyone smile.
"I'm Brienne of Tarth, and this is Tormund Giantsbane." The woman introduces you to the redhead.
"I remember... Brienne... where you..."
"Oh no! I'm just here to check on you and guard you. Make sure you're not some scout or spy trying to kill us all." He grins.
"Not spy... midwife..." you mandate to mutter before coughing.
"Where are you from?"
"Why did you stray so far? Where were you going? You could have died!" The man states.
"Running... thieves... house... saw it burning... ran for help... got lost." You choke with tears in your eyes.
At this point you guess he knows you're not a spy because he once again soothes you and comforts you as he wipes your tears away.
"You have a home here now." Brienne whispers.
"Where... where..." you can only manage the word before you begin coughing violently.
"Winterfell." Is what Pod tell you before you drift off to a more peaceful sleep.

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