Chapter 3

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A pic of Mason above *squeals*

When I asked Rebecca who that that boy was, she told me that he was her youngest son, Mason. She even told me that she had a son who was of my age but I couldn't care less. I then made my way to the couch and sat next to him. Now that I was noticing him so closely, I noticed that he had light blond hair and green eyes, I am assuming that maybe his father has blonde hair but the thing is that good looks are in their genes.

''Um...who are you?'' his voice broke me from my trance and I smiled at him.

''I'm Alexandra, but just call me Xandra, I am your new neighbor, what's your name?''

''I'm Mason, Mason Parker.''

''A cute name for a cute boy.''

He shakes his head as if I insulted him and says ''No, I'm not cute, I'm handsome.''

Did a 6 years old boy just say that?

''Yes, yes your handsome and maybe the most handsome boy I've ever met.''

''You're very pretty too.'' I love this boy already.

''I know, but anyways what are you doing?''

''I'm coloring.''

''Do you mind if I join you?''

''Of course not.''

Then Mason and I started coloring that Spider-Man's picture, we even talked a lot, I got to know that he loves spiderman a lot. We talked and talked for like hours but in reality, it was just 30 minutes. My mom left after some time but I still stayed and enjoyed the company of this adorable boy, he reminds me a lot of-

Don't think about it, Xandra.

Shaking my head, I removed all the thoughts away.

We then started coloring other pictures of Captain America and iron man.

I think this boy has an obsession with the Avengers heroes. I've only watched the movies because of Chris Evans and his oh-so-amazing abs. I could watch his movies again and again if I don't get interrupted. Suddenly I felt eyes on me and when I looked up and paused my coloring, all I saw was 4 drop-dead gorgeous boys who must've been of my age, looking at me, wait scratch that it was like they were observing me. How the heck did they enter the room and I didn't notice them, you see, I am a very observant person but maybe I was too focused on the coloring and was busy talking to Mason that I didn't notice them.

The first boy, whom I noticed had dirty blonde hair, tanned skin, blue eyes, a strong jaw, and overall he looked like a model, though I doubt he is.

The second one wasn't much different other than the fact that he had jet black hair with brown eyes, he too looked like a Greek God.

The third one was also very handsome with piercing brown eyes and dark brown hair with perfect eyebrows and it looked like he was an angel who had fallen from heaven himself.

But the one who caught my attention was the fourth one, he had messy light brown hair with mesmerizing green eyes and full lips and damn his jaw, but his eyes were something else, it looked like I would drown in them.

There were things common in them like they had sexy jaws and it looked like they were the epitome of bad, they're Aura screamed danger and it didn't take me long to figure out who they were, yes, they were the bad boys.

"Are you guys gonna say something or would you keep on staring as if you've seen an alien?"


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