"We need to start from the beginning. We need to find out who actually did it."
Alexandra Black's new found perfect life turns upside down when her psychotic ex-boyfriend, literally, crashes into her life with his car.
He wants her back, he'd ki...
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Xandra's outfit above.
"Oh, Alexandra! You look so pretty in this dress." I heard Rebecca gush as soon as she saw me.
But I couldn't care less. My mind still couldn't digest the fact that the Black corporation, the Parker corporation, and the Cage corporation are going to sign a big deal right now.
I mean, when the hell did that happen?
"I know right. After all, I designed the dress myself. It just had to look great. And it's not Xandra who looks pretty. It's the dress." I heard my mom reply.
Wait, did she just say that?
"I'm still here momma bear," I said, looking at Rebecca and my mom, who was laughing as if they were childhood friends.
But they ignored me and continued laughing.
"Keep laughing, I just go check on Dad," I said, as I stood up from the dining table and went to the other side of the long table.
Dad was talking to Liam (Cole's Dad) and Noah (Antony's dad). Whereas Antony was sitting a bit away from them, doing god knows what on his phone.
There were only three seats on which I could sit. The first one was the one next to mom, where I was sitting earlier. The second one was beside Antony. The third one was the seat next to the empty seat next to Antony. That was two seats away from Antony and right in the middle of the table. There were many more seats, but people would think that I'm a loner if I sit on them.
The first one is a no-no.
The second one is also a no-no, never in a million years will I ever sit next to Antony. And no, I don't have a rivalry with Antony, it's just that I would feel like I cheated on my friends if I ever am friends with Antony, Travis or the bimbos.
I'm the kind of person who could do anything and everything for her friends.