Chapter 19

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"You make me glow, but I cover up, won't let it show." Sang Demi Lovato.

"So, I'm putting my defences up, cause I don't wanna fall in love." I continued after her.

"If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack." We sang together.

Demi and I stared at the crowd from the stage. People were yelling our names and screaming the lyrics.

Demi turned to face me and said," Let's go backstage, for a five minutes break. I'm tired." She said, and started walking towards the back side of the stage where the changing room was.

I tried to follow her to the changing room. Keyword: tried. I felt as if something was holding me real tight on my waist, not allowing me to move.

Demi came on the stage back again, she looked worried.

"You're still here? Wake up." She said, as if she she was talking to five years old.

"Wake up Xandra, wake up." Her soft voice turned into a masculine one slowly.

Oh my God. What was happening?

"Xandra, wake up. It's already 12. How long are you going to stay asleep?" Demi said, in a hoarse and deep masculine voice. That voice was sexy.

My eyes fluttered open, and directly made contact with deep, mesmerizing green eyes. They were a beautiful shade of green. The pair of eyes had that passion in them.

I blinked. Coming back to my senses, I realized that I had a major headache. It felt as if someone was hammering my head.

I then stared at the chest of the person lying next to me. His chest was so tempting. His abs were so nicely built.
I could smell his cologne too. It was heavenly. His one hand was on my waist, holding me very tightly. I felt my head burying itself in the sexy body's neck's crook.

His smell was so sexy. Sandalwood and vetiver. Such an amazing combination.

That's when I realized, that even I had the same smell on me. Because I was wearing a T-shirt. A big t-shirt. White, and it had that same smell.

Oh my God. Did I hook up with someone last night at Ryder's party?

Then realization hit like a brick.

Last night.

8 shots.

The ghost.



And suddenly everything made sense. I hooked up with Cole. Oh my fuck god. This is not happening. How did I break my own rule? What would my best friend Tyler think if he ever found out?

I'm wearing Cole's shirt right now. And he is half-naked, lying on my bed.

I abruptly pulled my head away from Cole's neck and sat up. I noticed Cole observing every movement of mine, as he also sat up.

I covered my face in my hands and let the tears slid down. What the fuck was I actually thinking? I can't fuck a friend. It's like breaking an unspoken rule from the player game me and Tyler used to play. What would Tyler say? Oh God, I'm so fucked up.

I felt Cole's big, rough hands trying to remove my hands from my face, but I didn't let him.

How could I do this? To Tyler? To Cole? To myself?

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