Chapter 48

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Right now, I was scared shitless.

Mom and dad weren't home, after Antony dropped me off.

They were out of town.

I am alone in the house.

As soon as the clock striked twelve, someone started banging my front door.

Maybe it's James?

Maybe not.

I'll just have to open the door, I guess.

Sighing, I made my way towards the front door.

I looked into the peep hole, only to see Cole standing there.

What the hell is he doing here now?

I jumped back, when he banged the door again.

"Open up, Xandra!" He shouted, a little slurry.

I slowly opened the door.

Making eye contact with Cole, I noticed his bright green eyes weren't bright.

They looked dull.

I sniffed him a little, only to find the smell of heavy alcohol.

He's drunk.

"Heyyy." He slurred out, waving a little.

I stepped aside, as I waited for him to get in.

He stumbled inside, before falling once.

I sighed as I helped him up, and led him to the living room.

I got him seated on the couch, as I sat beside him, a lot of space between us.

I don't want to talk to you, monkey.

"I swear, the way you call me monkey, makes me feel as if monkeys are the greatest animals on earth." Cole slurred out, sleepily.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

He looked at me, as he pulled me closer to him, by grabbing my shoulders.

Taking my hands into his big ones, he gave me his puppy eyes.

"I'm so sorry kitten. I didn't mean to leave you, I swear." He said, sincerely.


I tried not to melt at his cuteness.

"It's okay Cole. I understand." I said, giving in easily.

He smiled at me.

Where did his smirk go?

I seriously like drunk Cole better.

"Hey, didn't you say you liked me?" He asked me, innocently.

I nodded at him.

"Well, I like you too. No wait, I think I love you." He said, beaming at me.

I sat there, shocked.

Love. This word is so foreign.

I never thought I could be loved.

"But, you are loved. I love you." Cole said, staring at me.

"Why do you love me?" I asked him.

"Maybe it was because of your voice, or your face, or your eyes, or your hairs, or your legs, or your cheeks, or your hands---"

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