"We need to start from the beginning. We need to find out who actually did it."
Alexandra Black's new found perfect life turns upside down when her psychotic ex-boyfriend, literally, crashes into her life with his car.
He wants her back, he'd ki...
Xandra isn't turning into a lesbian....its not going to happen, but this isn't a homophobic book. There are characters in this book who are in the lgbt community but that'shidden.
This book hasn't ended yet. There are like 70 chapters...don't worry.
Here's a huge shout out to @darkjasmine (heartless me) for sending me the amazing cover above.
"Well, I heard a very funny fake rumor today." Jessica stated as she sat down on our table in the cafeteria.
"What?" I muffled out, since my face was stuffed with fries.
"People are saying that you and Bethany were sitting together in your English class and you both were talking and laughing so Mr. Harts kicked you out. What a joke." Jessica said, chuckling a little.
What's funny in that?
"Why are you asking that, Xandra?" Cole asked me, and I realised I said that out loud.
Jessica was looking at me with a serious expression on her face.
She clearly didn't look happy.
"Did you really talk to her?" She quietly asked me.
"I did."
"What...did you talk to her about? I bet she told you about how much of an annoying sister I am. Or she might've told you about how she thinks I don't deserve Br--" I cut her off.
"None. She didn't say anything like that. We had a normal talk."
"Like what?"
"We talked about Antony, Christian, James, Cole and Mr.Harts."
Jessica was unfazed. Cole raised an eyebrow.
"Mr. Harts?" Ryder asked, amused.
"He sucks." I said, and everyone nodded there head in agreement.
"Why did you talk to her?" Jessica asked me, a little harshly.
"Because I have to execute the plan." I dumbly said, not exactly knowing what her problem was.
"Why did you talk to her!" Jessica nearly screamed as she banged her hand on the table, I could see tears threatening to leak from her eyes.
Everyone on the table got quiet.
"What the fuck is your problem?" I finally asked her, exhausted.
"Bethany is my problem. If you want to stay friends with me, then don't ever talk to her." She snapped at me.
"Listen, I've had enough of your shit for today. You don't want me to talk to her, like why?" I could'nt help but ask.
At this point, the whole cafeteria got silent.
Brody, for once, looked helpless.
Cole was silently staring at Jessica.
"You don't get it! I hate her! She ruined my life for God's sake." She shouted at me.
She then proceeded to take my orange juice can, and threw it across the room.
What the fuck?
"Don't ever talk to me again, Xandra. You're just like her. You think that being pretty is everything. You're only running after popularity." She said, as she stood up from the table, and stormed out of the cafeteria.
Brody ran after her.
I took deep breaths in and out.
Sam slowly stood up and walked out as well.
Chase was with Sam.
The only people on the table were me, Cole, Blake and Ryder.
Do you know what happened next?
"Fuck this." Cole muttered as he stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.
I stared at his retreating figure.
Nobody supports me. I don't even know what I did wrong.
"Hey." Blake said softly looking at me.
Blake had his box frames on. And a book clutched in his had.
Ryder stared at the cafeteria door.
"What are you two waiting for? Go ahead, leave me." I said, sighing in defeat.
"We won't." Both of them said in a unison.
I smiled sadly at them.
Blake looked around the whole cafeteria, everyone was staring at us.
I spotted Antony looking at me with an intense expression on his face.
Bethany looked sorry for once.
I heard Blake's voice, before I could notice anything else.
"Let's go to the library."
Reaching home, I found out mom was out of town for a business meeting with Dad.
I was alone. Like always.
My family seriously lacks moments, moments which are worth dying for.
Jasmine thought James was something worth dying for. How highly mistaken.
James couldn't actually give a fuck about her, me or anyone to be honest.
I even doubt the fact that he loves me.
I don't think this whole revenge thing is going to work anymore.
I only agreed to do this because I didn't want Ryder getting depressed.
I lost almost all my friends. Even Cole.
I hate Cole. He should've supported me. But...he didn't.
He never supported me in the right moment.
I remember the fight I had with Kemma and how he supported her, and not me.
I heard my phone ring.
I reached out for my phone.
Antony was calling me.
I rejected his call. Because I had to call Tyler right now.
Tyler Hudson.
I facetimed him. He immediately answered.
"He--" I cut him off.
"I can't do this." I said in a breath.
359k reads? You guys are love. Life. And my everything.
Sorry for the short chapter. It'sjust a filler.
What exactly is Jessica's problem?
I wonder.
Love you, Bye.
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