Chapter 5

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It took me about 5 minutes to reach school, Just like mom predicted. It looked like I was, for the first time in life, nervous. I parked my car at the free space and opened the door and made my way out.

Take a deep breath and calm the fuck down. Don't screw things up, Xandra.

In the parking area, I saw people glancing at me and whispering to each other, probably talking about me. I don't know why I'm feeling so nervous because at my previous school I was popular and by popular, I mean very popular due to which I had many friends on Facebook and many followers on Instagram and don't get me started on snap chat, back to the point, I have this weird habit of jumping from one thought to other in a matter of seconds.

I then entered the school gate, and people started talking more and started looking at me weirdly, I mean I don't blame them, it's already a month since school started. I've got way too much to catch up.

I pulled out the school map from my backpack and started looking for the office, once I located where it is, I made my way to the office.

Come on, haven't these people ever seen a hot girl like me in their school? Haven't they ever seen a new student? I decided to ignore their stares and continued doing my work.

Finally, the office was found.

I made my way in and found that the receptionist was in her mid 40's with blonde hair and by just glancing at her, I discovered that she hated her job.

As soon as I reached near her, the first thing she asked was,

"How may I help you?" In a bored tone.

"Well, I'm new here and I just wanted my schedule," I said in a hesitant voice.


"Alexandra Black."

"Here." She said handing me my schedule and she added, "Your locker number is 256."

"Thank you." Is all I say as I made my way to my locker. And let me tell you one thing, this school was huge, so it took me more time to find my locker and when I did, the bell rang. I kept my extra books in my locker and made my to my first class, which by the way was Maths, I mean can you believe my luck? Urgh. I then made my way to my class, knowing I was late to class.


"May I know why are you late?"

"Well, you see as I'm new here, so I got lost so, it took me some time, to find your class, sir."

"What's your name?"

"Alexandra Black."

"So, Miss Black, I suggest you take a seat next to Miss Collins."

He said as he pointed to the third rows the last bench where there was a blonde girl sitting alone, who smiled at me, which I returned. I made my way to that only empty seat in the class and sat next to her.

"Hi Alexandra, I'm Samantha."  She said as soon as I reached near her. I hate my name. It's so big and old fashioned.

"It's nice to meet you Samantha, and please call me Xandra," I said, smiling at her.

"Okay, Xandra." She said, looking at her notebook again since we didn't have anything to talk about.

"Oh, and can I call you Sam or Sammy?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah, you can call me Sammy but not Sam, I mean it's so boyish." I kind of liked Sam, but I guess I'll have to call her Sammy.

"I totally get it, people usually call me Alex too," I said, still smiling at her. My lips are gonna hurt so much for smiling a lot.

Then, I and Sammy chatted the whole period and let me tell you one thing, this girl is super nice with a great sense of humor and she is pretty good looking too with her blonde hair and grey eyes.

She was so kind that she invited me to have lunch with her during break, and I accepted her invitation as where else could I sit? I don't have any friends, remember.

And she told me about the Queen bitch of this school, and about the jocks as well as the bad boys, whom I met yesterday. Apparently, the cheerleader's squad and the football team sit together at lunch, whereas the bad boys along with Brody's girlfriend sit on a different one. They are enemies. And if you were wondering what all the bad boys are players, then yes, they are except Brody. He has a girlfriend, Jessica Jules. He looked like he was the most intelligent amongst them, I assume.

Since the bell rang and everyone started getting out of the classroom for the next class, I decided that even I should do the same, and guess what? It's in English. God, why don't you just kill me instead of torturing me like this?

Sammy and I bid each other byes and parted our ways.

Hope you like it!


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