Chapter 16

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Shannon's POV

While Diego made his way out of my house I couldn't help but become a total mess. I actually thought that, for once, someone had come to take me away from the hellhole I live in. That someone really cared. Guess he really was trying to get into my pants.

I couldn't even believe I had just fallen for the "i'll break up with her I swear" bullshit. I'm so goddamn gullible. I changed into something more comfortable, a sweater and some old track shorts. I lifelessly threw myself into my bed, turning on more of The Office, at-least that could make me laugh.

I did what any logical girl does and quickly blocked Diego on any social media. I tossed my phone onto the other side of my bed and crawled under my covers, watching tv.

After a few more episode I couldn't go any longer without eating. I had only ate that one piece of toast and if I didn't eat anything else soon I would explode. I slowly dragged myself off my bed, making my way downstairs.

When I reached the kitchen I shuffled through different chips and cereals until I found what I wanted. I picked up a bad of takis (a type of hot fries) and poured myself a icy water bottle. Gathering my things, I made my way back into my room.

I reached to open my bedroom door but as I did, my bag of chips fell right into the floor, spilling everywhere.

"fuck." I whined.

That was a brand knew tucking bag :(. I reached down to begin picking up the dirty chips. I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me shoot straight up. I looked behind me and saw Diego standing there.

"Shannon please let me explain." His eyes were heavy and he avoided looking directly at me.

I thought hard about his requests for a minute. Explain? How could he possible make a cover story for fucking the girl he claimed he didn't like, while being a thing with the girl he claimed was the only one he wanted. This would be good.

"Fine. Make it fast." I crossed my arms.

"Okay, Shannon I only said that because I had been fucked up on some Xans and I was stupid and horny and I couldn't hit you up because I couldn't take advantage of you like that-" he let the words fall out of his mouth fast then his lips could shape the words.

"So the logical thing to do Is go fucking some other girl? You have a hand for a reason Diego." I felt the tears rising back up in my eyes.

"No! Shannon I'm sorry I know it was so stupid of me and I seriously had no reason to even think it was okay. I'm sorry! Just please give me another chance." I saw tears forming in his eyes too at this point.

I could see in his face that he truly was sorry. But i couldn't let that distract me from the fact that he  had gone behind my back the way he did.

"Just, give me some space for a while Diego."

I walked back into my room, locking the door behind me. I waited until I knew he had left the house before running into the bathroom. I patted my face mwith makeup, getting rid of any blemishes that were on it. I made my lashes darker and did the usual makeup routine. I changed back into the clothing I had on before.

Once I was satisfied with my look I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I grabbed the car keys to my car and hopped in it. I drove by myself to the mall. I decided I needed to get out for a while.

When I approached the mall I checked myself out in my mirror one last time before grabbing my phone and locked my car behind me. I looked realllyyyy good. If Diego ran into me he would regret ever cheating on me.

Well, that was the problem. I didn't know if I could even be mad at him. He didn't technically cheat on me. We weren't officially dating.

I reached the mall entrance and reached for the door handle but some kind man ran up beside me and opened it for me.

"Here you go." He smirked.

I looked over at him and met his gaze. My eyes immediately grew wide and I felt a knot in my throat from. It couldn't be. I must be dreaming. Was that actually- no. There's just no way.

"Uh- Um, yo- your Tri- Trippie Redd?" I stuttered in disbelief.

He chuckled and lifted his dreads up from in front of his face.

"So you have heard of me?" He licked his lips.

Oh my god.


Not edited❤️
Just so you guys know I decided I'm going to make Shannon 17 in this story.

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