Chapter 10

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Shannon's POV

My eyes fluttered open, letting the bright light sleep into them. I rubbed them lightly before grabbing my phone that lay next to me. It was 11am and I had 2 messages.

Juliette💍👅: Want to hang today? I'm free all day and I miss you

Diego: morning 💔

My mind suddenly flooded back with the thoughts of last night. Oh my god, what did I do? How could I let that happen? What's going to happen now? What about Valarie? What will she do to me if she finds out? How do I even look at him anymore? I have to see him every school day. What does that make me and him?

My mind continued racing with a million different questions I wished I had answers to. I quickly responded to Juliette.

(Me -> Juliette): Yeahh we needa talk. how about lunch at 1? Uu choose where

Juilette💍👅:  Sure, Subway sound good?

(Me -> Juliette): sounds great ,, see uu then 😘

I set down my phone, not responding to Diego's text message. I decided what would be best is just to not have any type of social contact with him anymore. At the bus I would ignore him. In class I will act as if he wasn't there. Seemed easy enough for me.

I walked over to the bathroom and prepared myself for a shower. I began undressing, while letting the water heat up. Once I was fully nude I hopped into the hot water. I did my hygiene normally.

As I was scrubbing my body I noticed a deep blue and purple hickey that was left right above my panty line. Fuck.

I then began to remember everything about last night. The way he pleasured me perfectly and the sounds of his moans as I was choking on him.

I wanted to kill myself for even thinking about that. I forced myself to change my train of thought and finished showering.


As I pulled up to Subway I noticed Juliette's red Honda parker in the lot. I parked beside it before making my way inside.

"Shannon!" I heard the familiar voice run closer to me.

I hugged her tightly and laughed at her excitement. Me and Juliette were so close. We had been ever since we were little. She knew everything about me, and vise versa.

"It's actually been so long since we have hung out. We need to remember this. Picture?"

I smiled, obviously agreeing while she pulled out her phone. She handed it to me.

"You have longer arms," she laughed "you take it."

I quickly did as was told and then handed the phone back to her.

She smiled at the picture and then dug her phone back into her tight pink pants

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She smiled at the picture and then dug her phone back into her tight pink pants.

"So," she started saying while we sat down at a table she had been sitting at "what's the news?"

"the news" I questioned.

"Yeah..? You said you needed to talk to me."

I remembered that I had to explain last night. All of it. Shit.

"Oh, um. No judging okay?" I pleaded

She rolled her eyes at me, "when have I ever judged you?"

I nodded my head and began telling her everything about last night. I told her about Valerie and Diego, and when we had all smoked, and what had happened after Valerie fell asleep. I explained to her everything about what happened after we smoked.

Juilette just started at me wide eyed. I waited a few seconds for her to respond, but she just sat there.

"I think we ought to get some food." She finally moved, walking over to the line of people wanting to order.

I waited silently until she came back with a try of food in her hands. She sat down, placing my food in front of me.

"Umm. So?" I played with my food, wanting for her to comment on my story more then anything. She was the only person I knew that could make me feel better about that night.

"So what?" She took a huge bite into her sandwich.

I scrunched my eyebrows together roughly. "So what?" I was raising my voice now. "So! What do I do Juliette?"

"All I know is that you must really fucking like that kid Shannon."

I was taken back by her comment. Did she not hear me? I WAS STONED.

"No I don't! I was just high..." I said defensively.

"Shannon, I heard the way you explained him to me. 'his dimples, his perfect smile, his perfectly curly brown hair...' You like him."

Her face turned serious and she put her food down. "And from the text your phone keeps blowing up with-" She pointed towards my phone screen.

Diego: I know you can see my texts 💔

Diego: Please, at least can we talk about what happened?

Diego: I meant what I said last night Shannon.

"he must like you too."

I looked at the notifications and sighed loudly.

"What do I do Juliette?" I was beyond frustrated. I couldn't like him. I didn't like him!

"I think you need to talk to each other about it Shannon. This is more then just a one night thing it looks like."

She took a long sip from her drink then checked her phone.

"Shit! I have to go, I was on my lunch break." she laughed, before shoving all her food on the tray and into the trash. She waved me good bye and walked out the door.

I sat and tried to make sense of what she has just told me. There's no fucking way I would EVER like Diego. Ever.

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