Captain Dash

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Start every day off with a smile!


"... and, therefore, the answer is 20," a muffled Ms. Cheerilee said.

She was muffled because I was listening to music. The teachers found out I do better in school when I have music.

Everyone stared at her in confusion, even Twilight.

We are doing slope intercept, it's not too hard in my opinion.

Sunset raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Shimmer?"

"How did you get 20?"

Ms. Cheerilee looked like she wanted to snap that piece of chalk right then and there.

"I literally just explained it," she said as kindly as possible with clenched teeth.

I know the sound of that voice oh too well.

"It doesn't make any sense," Sunset whined, everyone, except me, nodded in agreement.

"Ms. Dash? Why don't you show us how to do it," the teacher said exasperatedly. "You seem to be the only one not confused by this."

Again, I was listening to music, but I still heard it. Since I wasn't really thinking, I forgot about my façade.

I walked up to the chalkboard. Cheerilee gave me a problem to solve.

"5 bucks says she doesn't get this," Trixie bet to no one in particular.

Everyone turned to her.

"Challenged accepted," Soarin challenged. "I think she will solve it."

"You're on."

I chuckled and turned back to the board. I stared at the problem. I could feel everyone's gazes burning on my back, but I didn't really notice.

Hmm... Okay, so, all we have to do is subtract this and that. We get 15 over 5. Now, divide it by 5, that would be 3. Then, plug those numbers into that formula to find B. Y= 3x + B. So, change X to 5. Y would now be 15. Subtract fifteen from both sides, you get zero.

I quickly wrote it all down on the chalkboard.

"The answer is zero," I replied a minute later.


"Hand over the 5 bucks, Trixie," Soarin said triumphantly.

Trixie grumpily handed it over.

Everyone else stared at me in admiration, even my friends!

~Unknown's P.O.V~

She's so smart. Why can't I be like her? I know she pretends to not understand things, but I wish she would show off more often, I thought.

"Mental math," she said casually, pointing to her head and looking back down at her iPod to change the song.


𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞~ SoarinDash {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now