A/N: I AM SOOO SORRY! (Also a heads up)

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I am so sorry for disappearing for a long period of time!!!!!!!! I've just totally had no energy to write! I've also been a bit busy. I went to camp, then a concert and then had company up. And to top all of that off, Wattpad decided to undo all my writing I did for the next chapter. So the next chapter might take a little while too.

Also, just a heads up, I will be reading my previous chapters and I might change things up. It won't be drastic changes just minor plot holes or grammar misspellings. (I've already started doing it)

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying Tough Love as much as I am. I honestly can't wait to see where this will go. I have no excuses for not writing. So anyways, next chapter should come soon after I'm done rewriting it.

~Wolfgamer ❤️

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