A Sunday Break

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(A/N: sort of a little transitional chapter)


Sometimes all you need
is a break


My song This is Me had gotten super popular amongst my fellow peers. Everyone had been singing it. And it was three weeks ago that I sang it. Apparently, it's super inspirational or something like that. I'm glad they liked it because that song came to me fifteen minutes before the competition started. And yes, I have thanked Soarin for the inspiration.

Oh, and we had our first soccer game and we won, luckily. So far everything has been going well. Except...

It was Sunday and I really wanted to sleep in. I was so tired from cleaning and doing chores from yesterday that I felt like I deserved to sleep in. Nope. I got woken up in a very abrupt way.


Freezing cold water with ice cubes in it. Imagine that at 4 o'clock in the morning. Anyway, my aunt was above me and setting aside the bucket.

"We have company coming over here," she explained. "And I need you to clean and cook and bake. They'll be here all day, and they are coming at nine. Once you are done, find someone to spend the night with."

I groaned internally because I had to clean. However, I got to spend the night with someone? I was excited about that.

"Okay," I said quietly, my teeth semi chattering.

"Oh, and we need you downstairs to clean in five minutes."

I sighed and nodded as I got out of bed, ice cubes falling on the floor. I took a one minute shower, then got my bedding and put it in the dryer.

Time to see where the day takes me... I thought.

~Time Skip~

"-BLAZE! I TOLD YOU TO GET CHAMPAGNE NOT FRANCISCAN!" my aunt yelled as I was cooking.

I rolled my eyes.

Yep, how dare he grab the expensive Franciscan and not the Champagne, I thought sarcastically.

For dinner, I was making Mexican food because apparently the people coming are from Mexico or something. So, I decided to make homemade tortilla chips, Pico de gallo, cheese dip, and salsa for appetizers. Then, for dinner, I decided to make traditional enchiladas, tamales, and carnitas, which are pork tacos. Finally for dessert the traditional churros and tres leches cake. Isn't that delicious?

I had finished all my chores as the food was just coming out of the oven. And it was only 8:45 am.


I wiped off my forehead sweat. My aunt took the food and put it somewhere to keep fresh. Then my uncle came over, dragged me to the "Torture Chamber", and put cuts into my wrist, back, and leg. He said it's his way of saying "Thank you." *eye-roll*

Once I came up the stairs, I took two steps forward and my aunt was right in front of me.

"Your work here is done, they will be here in five minutes. Go pack and leave the house for the day. Don't come back until tomorrow morning," she said as she was checking herself out in a mirror. "Also, don't come back any later than ten o'clock am and no earlier than nine forty-five am."

"Yes, ma'am," I muttered.

I left to go to my room. I put on some casual clothing. Black leggings with a gray; long sleeve, oversized; sweatshirt and sneakers. I took my backpack, put some stuff in there for the night and headed out.

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