[A/N: 13 Facts]

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Hey, guys, not an update. However, I was tagged by my very good friend and wifey, Zimbragirl to do this. So, let's get started!

1.) I was born in China and adopted at 18 months
2.) I love to dance! I do multiple styles: ballet, pointe, lyrical, contemporary/modern, hip-hop, and jazz. I have done a few ballroom styles before
3.) I have two dogs and a bird
4.) most of my siblings are adopted, like myself. My older brother is the only biological child to my parents
5.) I go through a lot of weird, obsessive phases. Currently, I'm in my BTS obsessed phase. However, even after the obsession phase is over, I still like everything, just not to the same extent if you know what I mean.
6.) I'm very family oriented
7.) the closer friends we are, the more I tend to "make fun" or joke around a lot
8.) I like talking about deep stuff, like fears, ambitions, etc.
9.) I'm introverted but can seem like an extrovert
10.) I like the nighttime the most because it's quiet and I can stargaze
11.) I love the woods and nature, but I feel like I'm meant to live in the city
12.) I wanna be a nurse practitioner
13.) I tend to put people first before myself and hate sharing my actual feelings. I also hate showing weakness and vulnerability

And that's 13 facts about me! I'm not tagging anybody because I don't want too, haha.

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