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Disclaimer: everything I'm saying is my opinion. You are not obligated to agree with me.

I've been hesitant on whether or not I should speak out on this topic, but I decided that I am going to because I think it's important to speak out.

I do not tolerate racism in any way, shape, or form. It's unacceptable in my eyes. What is going on in the black community is truly disgusting. I cannot believe there are police officers who treat African Americans this way. It's putrid and dishonorable. I expect authority figures to have the most respect towards people. I expect authorities to treat people equal and without bias. It shouldn't matter what race, gender, or color we are. We all deserve to be treated EQUAL. In no world is racism a logical, reasonable, moral choice. It is the opposite! Immoral. Unreasonable. Unjust.

I know how it feels to encounter a racist. I've experienced very little but it was still unnerving and screwed with my self confidence and esteem. Being Asian in a white world is hard sometimes. I've experienced racism since I was 5. I was frowned upon due to the fact I was the only Asian in the family. I was put under stereotypes due to my Asian appearance. I was told I looked weird due to my race. I've been judged from afar and directly. Racism is not a joke and is not a topic to be taken lightly. I see no problems with being a different color, gender or race. We are all human and, in the end, live in the same world. "We are as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided," said Albus Dumbledore.

Also, violence is not the answer. It doesn't matter what the person has done or said, be civil and if the person is truly a threat or danger to people... that's when you take action. Unless there's extreme, logical circumstances that you are placed under where you have to be violent (whether in self defense, protection etc.) then I think it's appropriate to proceed with such measures. In any other circumstance, I believe it's inappropriate.

We live in a world where this is almost normalized. We live in a world where people bring each other down for genders, colors, and races. It's heartbreaking and saddening. You don't have to have the same beliefs, you don't have to agree, you don't have to support everything that everyone else is. You don't have to support the LGBTQ community. You don't have to have the same beliefs as me. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. However, I do solely believe, you should respect the people within those beliefs and communities. Something I've been made aware of these past couple of months is that people tend to want respect but give none back. You want respect? Give respect to gain respect. Simple as that.

We as a society need to respect everyone's opinions and beliefs. Just because they have different beliefs does not mean they're right, but that also doesn't mean you're right either. It doesn't mean you have to agree. But be honorable and agree to disagree, regardless of faults or flaws. We as a society need to learn empathy. It has become a foreign language. If we all could just learn to walk around in each other's shoes, this world would already be on the way to a better world.

Black lives matter. Speak yourself. Donate. Join the fight.

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