...But I Am Leaving...

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[A/N: Bear with me a bit. I don't know how getting into college works and other things work. Also, I don't exactly know/remember where the location of all this takes place. So pretend it's somewhere far from New York. Anyway, hope you enjoy this! It's the last chapter ever for this book! 😔😭 I cant believe this book is over! 😮]


what makes us vulnerable
makes us beautiful


I kept on continuously sobbing. Luckily I know how to do it silently.

This has to be done... I told myself. In order for me to be me.

I wasn't going to prom with him. I couldn't, not after this...

~Time Skip~

I was finally eighteen. My friends confronted me about what happened with Soarin and me on the day of the incident.

We can't work, I had said simply.
Of course, they egged on but I didn't say the true meaning. That I needed to leave, go to college, and find myself. Thankfully Sunset didn't use her magic to see into my thoughts.

When I turned eighteen I made my move.


My aunt and uncle were out on a date with whoever. It was 11:51 pm, the day before my birthday.

Nine more minutes, I thought impatiently.

The time ticked by slowly but eventually it was midnight. 12:00 am. New day. The day I became eighteen. The day I became an actual adult. The day I made my escape.

I had already packed a backpack and suitcase of everything, which wasn't too much. The suitcase was a big duffel bag. It had all my clothes in it. I was able to pack all my belongings. How sad, I barely had anything.

With one last look at the place I called home the past couple years and about $1, 500 in my pocket, with the help of the comp and stealing a few bucks from my aunt and uncle, I was off.

Now the thing is, I didn't tell my friends what I was up to. Nor Soarin. This was my thing and I didn't want them to follow. So, I stayed at a motel, which was prepaid for with the help of my aunt and uncle's credit card, until the end of the school year.


Once the school year ended, I got my diploma and was heading to college on a full scholarship. Oh, not to mention I had the highest GPA of my grade and also had the highest honors. Anyway... Previously, Celestia thought I was super talented at what I do and thought that I should go to a performing arts school. With some help from some friends, talking on the phone, email, my GPA/grades, and Vice-Principal Luna, she managed to get me a full scholarship.


Celestia had told me to be in her office at lunchtime. For the past few days, she had been talking to me because we were trying to get me into a performing arts school with a full scholarship.

Maybe she got it.
Nah, she's probably giving up.
But maybe...

I entered her office, she was signing some papers or whatever. She looked up and saw me and smiled.

𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞~ SoarinDash {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now