Chapter 7: Jason

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After I kissed Piper for what might been the last time I walked back to my cabin. I really hope that Rachel's dream doesn't come true.


I woke up to screaming. I quickly grabbed my sowrd and ran out to the battle field.

"Hello, Jason." I heard a faint woman wishper.

"Whose there?" I shouted looking all around. My eyes fell on a monster in front of me.

"Never mind, found you." I yelled back out as I stabbed the monster and it turned to dust.

"That wasn't me." I heard the woman say again. A bunch of monsters surrounded me.

"Must be one of you then." I said turning my sowrd in a 360 degree motion. One after another I killed, but the woman would always say nope and laugh at me.

"Then who are you?!" I called out angrily.

"Nobody you will ever meet." She said laughing again.

"Why?" I asked.

"You will die along with you pregnant wife." She called out louder.

"How do you even know that?" I cried. It couldn't be true.

"I am about to cut her string. Look around young hero. Look around." I said but with each word her voice started to disappear.

I frantically looked around. When my eyes layed on a girl that looked liked Piper. I ran to her as fast as I could. Her eyes looked sad.

"I tried to save you." She said in a weak voice.

"Don't speak it's okay." I said through the tears. Rachel's dream was coming true.

"I just want you to know that... you would've been... been a wonderful father. I love you J... Jason." She said sounding even weaker. Her eyes full of tears as well as mine. I touched her check and smiled.

"You would've been a wonderful mother, I love you so much Pips." I said and have her one last kiss as her lips began to grow cold.

"I love you." I kept muttering as I closed her eyes. I looked back up and saw the worst monster I could find. I ran to it with no fear of dying the only thing living for was dead. I fought hard but the monster was beating me. 

"This is for you Pip's!" I yelled as I charge as much electricity enough to kill the monster but I would also die.

"I love you." I whispered as my eyesight went black.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed the chapter even though Piper and Jason both died. :( Let me know what you think. I love hearing the feedback. :) 

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