Chapter 8: Piper

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After Jason had left with Rachel I tried to get some sleep for many hours, but I couldn't. All I could think about was Rachels dream. I could see myself doing that if it were to save Jason.

I have saved Jason to many times. That is why I was afraid that if I didn't fight Jason would die. Jason can take care of himself though, he will be fine. That is what I kept telling myself.

"Piper." I heard someone faintly whisper.

"Who is there?" I called out but all I got was silence. I shaked it off, it was probably just my sleepiness getting to me. I closed my eyes again trying to get some rest.

"Piper." I heard the same voice say again but louder. I tried to just keep my eyes closed and to go to sleep.

"Piper!" Again hearing the same voice but screaming at me.

"What?!" I yelled out.

"Piper, Jason is dying." The voice said in a faint whisper.

"No he isn't. Even if he was I was told not to leave." I said looking around and sitting up.

"Yes, he is and he is calling for you, his wife." The vioce said at the same faint wishper.

"I can't leave," I started looking down at my unborn child, "I have the future to think about."

"If you don't leave now Jason will not be in that future!" The voice screamed at me.

"He will be fine." I replied faintly tears starting to stream down my checks.

"You know as well as anyone that Jason can't do this alone, he needs you. Go to him before he dies!" The voice screamed yet again.

"I am so sorry little one, I can't let your father die." I told my unborn child.

"I am sorry Jason, but I can't let you die." I muttered in the air as I got up and ran to the battlefield. I looked around quickly looking for him but before I got far I felt something go through the back of my chest.

"Hahaha, your little Jason isn't here to save you. Now you will die." Hades said from behind me pulling out the sword he had put in my back. I feel to the ground gasping for air.

"Jason!" I tried to call out loudly but it was faint. I closed my eyes and felt someone at my side, and opened them for my last few minutes I had.

"I tried to save you." I told him weakly.

"Don't speak it's okay." He said softly as tears began to form in his eyes.

"You would've... been a great Ja...Jason and I you." I replied even more weak.

"You would've been a great mom too, I love you so much." He struggled to say with tears steaming down his face. He gently touched my check and kissed me one last time as I closed my eyes forever.

This chapter was sad to write! 😭😭 Hope you enjoyed it though. Tell me what you think should happen next! Happy Tuesday!


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