Chapter 3: Jason

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This chapter is dedicated to Lukethalia for guessing the right answer. You should be early check out her stuff! I love her fanfics!

I can't believe that Piper was pregnant. I couldn't wait to become a dad!


After our meeting with Chiron we headed up to see Rachel, I grabbed her hand.

"I love you Jason." She said sweetly.

"I love you, but you have to leave." She let go of my hand.

"What?" She said angerly, while folding her arms.

"I said you have to leave, you can't fight like this." I said raising my vioce.

"Ummm.... Jason have you forgot how safe and careful I am? Didn't I save you butt a thousand times?" She said starting to yell.

"Well that doesn't change the fact that you are pregnant!" I said yelling louder.

"You are such a" She yelled but she was interrupted by Annabeth.

"Piper, I think you should listen to your husband. He knows what's best for you." She said confidently.

"I...I...fine." She said still abiously mad.

"We are here" Percy said trying to change the mood. We all walked in. Frank, Hazel, Leo,& Calypso were already there.

"Wow, you guys are slow pokes" Leo said while laughing a bit.

"And every loud." Calypso said. Every body joined in the laughter except Piper. I quickly stopped laughing while she sat down on a chair.

I tried to sit next to her but she turned to me and gave the look. The look I always got when she wanted some space from me. I could tell she was still mad.

So I went and sat down next to Percy and Annabeth who had a chance to sit down. Rachel came into the room with a plater of cheese crackers.

"So, what's going on?" She asked wile setting the platter on the table and sitting down next to Piper. I explained what had happened.

"Me and Annabeth think that Chiron might be being controlled by Eidons." Percy said after I finished talking.

"What isn't that, Eid...Eidoc, you know what I mean, isn't it the thing that controlled me that one time?" Leo asked.

"You pronounce it Eidons." Calypso said like a smart alec.

"Yes, they also made you destroy New Rome" Hazel pointed out.

"Excatly, we don't know what they are capable of." Annabeth said worriedly.

"We are going to need everybody's help to defete Hades, his army, and the Eidons." Rachel said.

"Except me according to everyone." Piper snapped and ran out side. I followed her, and I always will weather she likes it or not.

I hope you guys liked this chapter! You should check out Maddogg333 she has an awesome story up! Anyway stay tuned from more! :)

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