Another Date

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I wake the next morning feeling a little reluctant cause today was supposed to be "me time" I have a few days of break before I fly to New York to start shooting the movie and I was looking forward to relaxing and catching up with some friends but no, I've got a date with a rude, egotistical weirdo. Well, it helps that he's hot, hopefully, he plays by my rules and doesn't pull anything funny.

I get up and go downstairs to brew some coffee, still half sleepy. I know it's 10 in the morning but with all the accumulated tiredness, I'm exhausted.

As soon as I head into the kitchen, the doorbell rings. I glance at the clock as it's only a quarter past 10. Why is anyone here at 10 am on my day off?

I open the front door to find a delivery guy holding a huge bouquet of red roses and a large flat black box with gold detailing, in his hand.

"Good morning, Ms. Red?"


"Could you please sign here?"

He hands me a board to sign and I do so, returning the board to him and trying to juggle the items he hands me.

"Have a great day Ms. Red." He beams and scoots off

"Yea, you too," I say, closing the door.

Looks like Zac still doesn't get it does he? I place the flowers and the box on the dining table and look for a card among the flowers. I mean, it could be management congratulating me on the movie or something. Gosh, I'm so full of myself.

I notice the tiny gold card in between the flowers and I pick at it to reveal who it's from

Good morning beautiful,

Hope you like the flowers and the dress
Put the dress on tonight.
Looking forward to seeing you.


J? Dammit I forgot what his name was. James? Justin? I place the card down and immediately open the box to find a beautiful blue dress, I take a look at the label on the box again, and it's freaking ALEXANDER MCQUEEN! Did he buy me an Alexander McQueen dress? Who is this guy?
I take the dress out of the box and it immediately falls out, I almost choke on my breath and cough. It's a long dinner dress in navy blue with slightly transparent georgette material on the outside and short satin material on the inside, It was simply gorgeous, I was too excited by the dress to focus on anything else, I immediately strip off my pajamas and throw the dress on running to the full-length mirror I have by the door, to look at myself. "God, I look like a million bucks," I say to my reflection in the mirror. Why would a guy I met once, buy me something this expensive? Is he trying to prove something?

Annoyance coursed through me, If there is one thing I hate in a guy or even people, in general, is "showing off". I get that you're rich and all that but, so what?

I pick up the card and read it again

Good morning beautiful,

Hope you like the flowers and the dress
Put the dress on tonight.
Looking forward to seeing you.


"Put the dress on?" He's telling me what to do? He's telling me.... what to do. As amazing as this dress is, I can't keep it. I can't take a gift like this from a complete stranger. This is just ridiculous. I take the dress off and fold it back placing it in the box. I decide on returning it back to him tonight. I agreed to a date and a date is all he's gonna get.

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