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Zac's POV

It's 8.10 in the evening and I'm seated at the bar of Mason's new restaurant. My close friend Mason had opened a new restaurant here in Hollywood Boulevard and threw a party to launch its first night. He had invited me and knowing how exclusive the restaurant and bar is with free drinks and a good opportunity for networking, I thought why not.

My phone begins to buzz as I'm seated at the bar chatting to some people from the tv business and her name flashes on the screen. No way, am I dreaming? She wouldn't call me. I'm surprised she still has my number. I immediately pick it up after the first ring.

"Jess," I say into the phone, slightly concerned as to why she's calling me.

"Zac..." she says on the other line and she immediately burst into tears. My stomach drops at the sound of her cries. I knew something bad had happened. She sounded scared and it immediately took me back to that night when she was drugged at the bar.

"Where are you, Jess?" I ask getting up from the bar excusing myself and walking out of the restaurant to hear her better. I hear her take a deep breath as if she was composing herself or something.

"Jess?" I call out to her as I can't really tell what's going on.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have called." She says and hangs up.

"Wait... no no." Too late, she's hanged up. What the hell was that? Part of me is now irritated that she got me all worked up but part of me is saying that something was really off. Is she in trouble?

I remember how I managed to track her phone before by doing some setting but if she had deleted that setting from her phone, I may not be able to track her. I frantically go to my settings to check if I can still track her phone location and immediately get a response. "Oh thank God!" I say to myself. She still had it switched on and judging by the map, she wasn't too far away. I immediately get the valet to bring me back my car and hop in.

The GPS showed that she was moving but to where exactly? I'm not sure. I try to dial her number again as I'm driving but it continues to get declined. "DAMMIT JESSICA, PICK UP!" I yell out in annoyance. I'm worried and her not picking up isn't making it better why does she always have to be so difficult?

The GPS takes me to some route I've never been on before and then I notice her car parked at the side of a bridge. As I move closer. I see her stepping out of the car, she's wearing a pair of short jeans, a tank top, and slippers. Her hair looked like she had just slept and woke up."What the hell?" I say to myself. Completely taken aback by her appearance. I continue to observe her from a distance as she shuts the car door and walks towards the railing at the side of the bridge. My heart stop! Is she gonna jump? No. She wouldn't do that, would she?

She rests her back against the railing, folding her arms, I sigh in relief that she wasn't planning on jumping. She suddenly begins to cry and I couldn't watch this anymore. I had to go up to her. I pull up right behind her car and she lifts her head up turning to look at my car heading towards her, she straightens up, wiping her face.

Jessica's POV

The minute I heard Zac's voice on the other line, I realize how stupid I was for calling him. I can't keep running to him every time something goes wrong. I need to figure out my own shit on my own and stop bothering the guy. I hang up and continue driving aimlessly. Zac called me again twice and I kept hitting decline. He shouldn't have to worry about me. He should be moving on.

I kept driving and replaying the events that had happened in the last 1 year of Jason and I being together. He had shown signs of being violent but at the same time, it's because he's hurting and doesn't know how to handle it. However, what happened this afternoon was terrifying, I feel chills run down my spin as I recall how he had strangled me till I passed out.

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