Another Side Of Him

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Jessica's POV

Jason's coming for dinner in like an hour and I've just finished cooking. I'm a pretty good cook and I love making Caribbean foods. However today I decided on making something simple. I settle on a simple vegan meal, some brown rice with lots of veg baked in capsicum and some salad on the side. I hope he likes it. I've kind of stopped cooking meat in my house trying to go vegetarian as much as possible.

Within an hour and a half I'm done so I quickly take a shower and put on a simple black tank top tucked in a pair of slim black jeans. I didn't feel the need to dress fancy and hopefully he's not expecting me to either. Wait! Why do I even care if he's expecting me to or not? I am my own person dammit. I put all my hair up letting my curls fall a little on top of my head and decide not to put on any makeup. I've got really clear skin and I take care of it really well by avoiding makeup as much as possible. I apply some cocoa butter all over my arms, neck, and face feeling completely moisturized. Moisturizing with cocoa butter is a rule I literally swear by, I love how it makes my skin glow and smell like a mixture of chocolate and vanilla.

I make my way downstairs to take a bottle of wine out of the liquor cabinet as the doorbell rings

"Hello, beautiful." He greats me the minute I open the door. He had on a slightly loose white linen shirt, with again, 70% buttons undone, he knows what he's doing to me. His hair was up in his classic man bun, and he had on black jeans. A smile spreads across my face as he greets me and proceeds to hand me a bouquet of red roses again,  and a small blue Tiffany's bag.

"These are for you and I brought your favorite bottle of Chardonnay." He says casually walking in.

"Err thanks for the flowers and the wine but what is this?" I ask placing the bouquet down and holding up the Tiffany's bag.

"Just open it." He says looking at me with his hands in his pocket. Why do I feel a little weird about holding a Tiffany's bag or maybe it's something else and he's just using the bag. I pull out a small square box from the bag and open it to see a beautiful silver necklace with a beautiful shiny diamond at the end of it. Nope, definitely Tiffany's

"Wha.." I gasp.

"Do you like it? It's diamond." He says. Do I like it? It's a freaking diamond! He shouldn't even be giving me gifts like this in the first place. We've only been seeing each other for 3 days. This is weird as hell.

"Ja..yea..I..... Jason, it's beautiful! But I can't take this." I finally find my words.

"What?! Why not, it's a limited edition crushed diamond, they've only made 7 of this in the US." He says taking the box from me to take the necklace out. Great! Like that makes it better.

"Turn around." He commands.


"Shhh.. turn around." He cuts me off. I oblige allowing him to put the necklace on me but there is no way in heck I'm keeping it. This is out of line, taking something like this from him makes me feel indebted to him and I'd hate a feeling like that. He puts the necklace on me and guides me to the full-size mirror I have by the door.

"It looks beautiful on you Jessica. It deserves to be on you." He says so softly standing behind me and admiring me through the mirror his hands slowly gliding across my neck and chest where the pendant is resting and I suck in a breath.

"Jason... it's beautiful, it really is but I can't accept it I'm sorry." I reply softly, due to our proximity. I look up at him through the mirror and his face turns into a frown. He spins me around and takes a step back looking down in disappointment then looking back at me. Using his hands to rub the short beard on his chin.

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