I can fix him

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Jessica's POV

I wake up to the sudden need to pee, I run to the bathroom and release myself. Argh! My head hurts so bad! I go back to my room to check the time and it's 5.10 in the morning. No wonder it's still dark outside. My head is pounding, my stomach is growling and I'm in need of food. I heed downstairs to find something to fill my stomach with, walking into the kitchen I find a brown paper bag from the pancake house. "The pancake house!" I suddenly remember. I was with Zac last night. I don't remember exactly what happened but I remember us going to the pancake house. Or talking about it. Dammit! I remember nothing. I pull out a nicely wrapped hamburger from the bag and eat it immediately. I'm too hungry to think about heating it up first. I eat that cold burger in less than 10 minutes and quickly grab some Advil from the cabinet pouring myself a glass of water and gulping it down

As I'm about to exit the kitchen, I suddenly hear the sound of someone coming through the front door and freeze in my tracks for a minute. I hear shuffling as my heart begins to beat so fast. It's 5.30 in the morning Oh my god! Somebody's definitely breaking in. What if it's a psycho murderer. This type of things happens in the U.S all the time and this was why my parents told me not to move here and now there's going to be a massacre. Me and my whole family. No! I'm not going down without a fight. I have to at least try to protect them. I hear the footsteps coming in closer and I as quietly as possible pull out a knife from the knife stand by the sink. I have to jump them before they see me. I come out from behind the kitchen counter and run straight towards the silhouette of the person

"Dude it's me!!" My sister yells the minute she notices me.

"What the hell?! I was going to stab you!"I whisper harshly, in shock. "You just got back? I thought you were home the whole time."

"Put the damn thing down you freak!" My sister scolds me. I walk back into the kitchen placing the knife back.

"How are you just getting home?" I ask her with my hands on my hips.

"I was with Alex. I missed him, okay, then we met up with some friends from Zac's party and moved the party to their suite she tells me casually. My sister and I are completely different. This freak show can party till the a.m without the need for alcohol and me on the other hand, hate parties until there's alcohol.

"So what the hell happened to you? You were really turnin up weren't you?" She asks me. Taking a seat at the kitchen counter with me.

"Honestly... I remember nothing from last night." I admit.

"Nothing? Nothing at all? Do you remember dancing with that Hispanic rapper dude?" She asks. And blank! I don't.

"What? No!" What the heck?

"Yea you did. Y'all were grinding up on each other and then I didn't see you after that. Then later, your friend Zac comes up to me with a drunk you, saying Y'all were gonna eat and he was gonna drop you home." She's telling me all these stuff and I remember nothing dammit!

"Wow! Nothing! I don't remember a single thing. So that's how I got home. The whole time I thought we came home together. How did he get in tho? I hope he didn't wake mum
and dad up."

later that morning I wake up to see my mum in the kitchen rummaging through my pantry.

"Mum, what are you looking for," I ask her. Making my way to the kitchen.

"Honey, you don't have any ingredients to make anything for breakfast. Your dad and I only had coffee. We're starving." She says.

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