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Zac's POV

She seemed really off since the phone call she had yesterday evening at the cafe from I don't know who and today she's locked herself in her hotel room the whole day. I knocked on her door this morning asking her if she wanted any breakfast and she declined, I checked up on her in the afternoon and she was slightly annoyed by me and sort of chased me away. Today was suppose to be our day off and I was going to take Jessica out and whoever that was that called her has really ruined everything and I'm so f**king pissed right now.

It's 6 in the evening and I've yet to see her order room service or get out of that damn room which clearly means she hasn't eaten and I know that she's prone to gastric when she doesn't eat. I remember that time we were shooting really late and she didn't like the food the team had catered so she sort of starved herself and ended up with gastric, I insisted that we postponed the shoot and took her to get some pizza. So right now I don't care how annoyed she is by me, I'm gonna get her ass some food.

I ring her again and she doesn't pick up. So I throw on a plain white t-shirt and go over to her room. I knock on her door and on the 5th knock, she opens with a pissed look on her face.

"Yes, Steele?" She asks in an extremely annoyed tone.

"I just wanted to check if you were still alive," I say putting my hands up in defense.

"Well you saw me and I'm alive. Now bye!" She says shutting the door. And I put my foot in the way to stop it from shutting, forcing my way into her room.


Jessica's POV

"Who called you yesterday?" He asks, entering my room. He had his back facing me and I was a little confused by his randomness of showing up at my room and asking me who called me. Lots of people call me.

"What?" I ask a little confused. As I follow behind him. He stops and turn to look at me.

"Who called you Jessica? Cause after that call, you seemed a little upset and all you've done today is lock yourself in here and avoid me." He says with concern in his voice. He begins to walk closer towards me, as he towers over me.

"Honestly, I'm a little worried." He says in a soft and caring but stern tone. That whole "I'm a little worried" line, felt like a trigger word to me now, after the whole Jason fiasco yesterday. I'm kind of tired of people trying to get all up in my space with the excuse of being worried about me. What the hell is there to worry about? I'm not dying.

"What's up with everyone being worried about me? I'm fine! Gosh! Just leave me alone! Can't a girl have her space?" I burst out and push past him really annoyed right now. He turns around and follows behind me, stopping at the edge of my bed and I just ignore the fact that he's just standing there looking at me as I go back to sitting at my bedside picking up my guitar.

I've been trying to work on my songs all day and I'm starting to realize I can't do this on my own. Scooter had called me last night saying that I had 2 weeks to submit my first 7 songs for them to hear. What am I? A machine? And then I have this guy here knocking on my door every few minutes and then there's another annoying guy who I think I'm dating, who's done nothing but fill up my voicemail box and I just feel like pulling my hair out and screaming.

"I'm sorry for annoying you and I'm sorry for getting in your space. You're clearly doing just fine so I'll leave you to it." He says with hurt laced in his voice and turns to leave. Guilt immediately takes over me, I let my emotions control the way I reacted, I realize he was just being nice dammit.

"Sigh, Zac wait!" I say, still sitting on my bed and he stops in his tracks but doesn't turn around.

"I'm sorry. I'm just... I'm just tired okay. I feel pretty suffocated." I say. I can feel myself about to cry and I try my best to hold it in. He immediately turns to look at me.

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