True Colors

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Jason's POV


"You piece of shit!" My stepdad smacks me so hard in the face my tiny 9-year-old body flies and crashes against the wall, I begin crying hysterically, I know what's about to come. He walks over to be and begin kicking me in the gut. I try to hold out my hand to stop his feet from kicking me any further but I'm too weak and he kicks my palm so hard I thought it broke. "Next time I tell you to shut the hell up, you do." He spits and walks away leaving my now beaten up body there.

It's been a year since my mum died of a rare incurable disease which left my stepdad as my sole guardian. When my mother was alive, this man was a great guy, he'd buy me things and take me to the zoo, he was a great father figure. And then my mum had that disease and she had to be bedridden in the hospital. My stepdad started drinking and turning to drugs. He was an abusive drinker so after my mum passed away, he spent all her insurance money on alcohol and drugs. Every time he drank, he'd find a reason to beat me up.

*flashback end*

"Hey baby, how was dinner?" I say walking up to embrace her. Can't believe I already miss her and it's only been an hour. She stops me from coming close to her and I immediately realize she's got this worried and angry look on her face.

"We need to talk." She says sternly, confusing me. Did I do something wrong?

"Oookay.." I say, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and she sits on the chair opposite me instead of sitting with me on the bed. I watch her intently, trying to figure out what's going on here.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"Did you threaten Zac?" She flat out asks me and for a minute there I thought I heard her wrong.


"You heard me. Did you threaten Zac?" She ask again and I'm pissed. That asshole snitched on me? No man does that. As angry as I am right now, I have the girl I think I'm falling in love with, sitting in front of me, wanting the truth.

"Yes, I did. But I didn't mean it." I say, looking down in guilt.

"You didn't mean it? What did you tell him? Did you tell him you'll beat him up? Huh? Kill him?" She presses on and I can tell she is mad at me right now.

"What? No! I would never do that Jess. You know me." I say, reaching out to hold her hand. Hoping my touch might calm her down a little.

"That's the thing, Jason, I don't. I don't know you. I don't know what you would and wouldn't do. I don't know anything about you." She pulls away from me and my heart immediately drops.

Jessica's POV

"That's the thing, Jason, I don't. I don't know you. I don't know what you would and wouldn't do. I don't know anything about you." I say, pulling away from him. I'm just beginning to realize that every time I'm with him or when I look into his eyes or when he holds me, I forget everything.

He had moments where he acts crazy and it pisses me off or frightens me, but then, he always comes around and I'm putty again.

I'm not the type of girl to let a guy in this easily, why did I do it this time? This man is hypnotizing, I look into his eyes and I'm just putty every single time.

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