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I am completely aware that this is a cliche start to fanfiction; I started writing this when I was 10.

[ Your pov ]

I was woken up to the beeping of the annoying alarm Clock that lay there on my dresser. The morning sun filled my vision as it peaked through the curtains. My mattress squished beneath my weight as I stretched across to turn off the alarm.

I did not want to get up but if I'm late for school I might as well be asking for a death sentence. My eyes felt like heavy bricks that wanted to keep me unconscious but I fought against that by rubbing my eyes.

Standing up from my bed, I walked over to the closet that was beside my dresser and squished against the wall. The clothes that hung there were hoodies, shirts, and even a tank top for the summer, "This should be ok to wear" I said as I picked up an outfit I wore frequently and slipped them on.

The bones in my backed popped as I lazily walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I flipped on the water and stared at myself in the mirror as I brushed. My hair was (h/l) and messy but I don't ever brush it as much I should. Brushing your teeth is very important though. The color of my hair matched well with my skin which had tanned a little over the summer.

"Oh crap, school." I quickly finished up in the bathroom and headed downstairs to make my breakfast. My parents are never home in the morning. If they were home, they probably would be fighting. Since what my father had done to me as a kid, my mother despised him but couldn't leave because she would not be able to financially support herself and me. As it is, they both had to work in order to keep the house.

Grabbing some bread, I plopped them into the toaster and while they baked I grabbed a glass of water. I should eat more, I'm too skinny for my own sake. After the toaster made the ding, telling me that the bread was done, I grabbed them Out of the toaster. Being careful that I didn't burn my hand, I placed them on a plate that lay on the table in the kitchen.

As I was eating, I started to think. I really didn't want to go to school but there is only a month left and I'll be able to graduate and leave this town. This family. This hell.


I smacked my head and tried to keep these thoughts out of my head. It was like they weren't mine.

After eating my food and all that crap, I packed my bag; Homework, books, folders, other shit. I slipped on my shoes and made my way out the door locking it behind me. It was a nice day out, "Hopefully I don't break a bone today" I said this while thinking back on Joey. He broke my arm once.

I walked down the sidewalk that led to the bus stop, all the way there, the woods beside me seemed to stand taller and more Erie. Every day I walk this way, it feels like someone is staring me down. It has to be my imagination. Ignoring it, I stood there at the bus stop. Waiting for the bus to arrive.

Tic tic


I took some time for the bus to come but it finally made it to the bus stop that I was at. I walked onto the bus, greeting the bus driver as I sat down in the back of the bus. While the bus drove to other stops, more children came onto the bus. I stared out the window.

I sighed.

The bus made it to school with no problems, sure the kids were fucking annoying with their dabbing but that can't be helped. The bus driver let us off the bus and gave me a smile, "Have a sweet day y/n" I smiled back the best I could and stepped off the bus. I never understood why she said sweet day. Making my way to my locker, I hung my backpack on the hook and grabbed the stuff I needed out of it.

On my way to class, I got shoved into a locker by some high ponytail bitc- "Oh my god, I'm so sorry hahaha I can't say that without being serious, why can't you have emotions like the rest of us." Man there goes my papers, I go to pick up a physics paper but someone stepped on my hand, "Useless Fag." They snicker at their fine joke while they walked away. They always assumed I was someone who couldn't feel pain but In fact, I felt everything they did to me. Yet, I never reacted because I got used to it. The anger that would build up inside me was forced away.

There was this one boy, maybe a town over, that had an actual condition that made him not feel pain at all. I think his sister passed away.

Making it to class, I sat down and waited for class to begin.


The last bell of the day rang and every student scurried out the door. I sighed in relief that the day was finally over.

I stayed at my desk because I just had one more problem to finish and I can turn it in, "Mmm." This was a math problem and I wasn't strong in the subject, "Need help dear?" My math teacher Miss Spring walked over with her heels clicking on the tiled floor, "No no, it's alright." I avoided looking at her. She made me feel uncomfortable under her gaze.

"It's my job, don't worry about it." She leaned over my desk and I could smell the perfume that she covered herself in. I pushed my seat back so fast it screeched on the floor. Grabbing my bag that sat on my feet, I circled around her and placed the paper in the turn-in bin.

"No. It's done now. Thank you." I left before she could try to keep me longer.

I had to put a few things In my locker and then I should be out the door, "Hey dipshit" my arm was grabbed and I was yanked into the bathroom.


Words: 1073

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