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Sorry for this chapter is short.

 That was a shit show I thought as I left the living room, I have not explored this mansion that well so might as well now.
  The walls of the mansion were a dark oak with scratches and holes from the other fights, "People here seem to fight frequently" I snickered to myself. My footsteps creaked against the old wooden floors as I made my way to a pair of double doors that was similar to slendermans office but different. I cracked open one of the doors and peered inside.
 Rows of bookshelves could be seen from every angle. I walked inside and look around. I felt at home when I walked down the rows of books. I would go to the library as much as I could so I didn't have to go home. The library was a calming quiet so I assumed no one was here with me, and the others seem uninterested in books. I took down my umbrella and placed it on a nearby table.

  I  went over to one of the bookshelves and pulled out a book, it had a red cover to it with a simple drawing of a rabbit, "I used to have a bunny" Putting the book back, I turned to find a new book. I was having a little fun while being in here, this was one way I would escape not just my family, but the bullies at school. 

 Before I knew it, I was running to my umbrella. Laughing Jack was standing there with a surprised and shocked face. He saw my face. I know it wasn't that big of a deal but this guy is a little weird.

 Either way, He saw my face.

This did not sit right with me.


 Before I could run to my wonderful weapon, he grabbed my arm and spun me back around, "Wow, what a pretty little face you have" he stepped toward me and bent down to my height, "Nice pure white eyes and your dark black skin compliments it, your hair is the same as your skin which just makes you sweeter" he said this while touching my face "Now your nose is turning a little blue, same with your pointy little ears"
  I started to get nervous and I don't like the fact that Laughing jack was touching my face. I don't want to know what I look like. I shoved his hand away from my face, "don't touch me."  My voice sounded slightly like a demon there for a second but sweet like cotton candy. That's new. Laughing jack smirked and chuckled. That's when I ran for it, my opportunity.

 I managed to get back to the table I left my umbrella and snatched it, "Fuck off you clown." I said this while staring him in his eyes, he went to grab my waist as he did before but I was already out the door. I ran down the hall and out the front door of the mansion. I need a break.

Sitting down beside a giant oak tree, I rested my back against the tree and gasped for air. I was exhausted from all that running I did. There were little drops of rain falling from the leaves above me. Similar to what it was like when I ran from the cops.
 I sat there for a while, regaining my energy. Standing up, I stretched out my back and started heading toward the town. By the time I make it there, it will be night so better start heading there now.


 I made my way toward a trail and followed it to a baby blue house, the sky above was now dark and stars started filling up the sky. It must be around 1 am, maybe even 2 am. I looked back at the house and spotted a balcony that looks like it leads to a young boy's room. I used the curved handle of my umbrella to pull me up and onto the balcony, I peered into the window and saw no one locked it.
Lucky me.

 I slide open the window and crept inside. The room had a few stuffed animals scattered on the floor and a colorful rug in front of a bed. The kid must be around 8.
 Standing at the foot of the bed I stared down at the kid, letting my umbrella dropdown. It hit the board of the bed and the kid started to wake up. I walked to the side of the bed and watched him. He sat up and looked around the room but not at me. As he was about to go back to bed, he spotted me, his eyes widened. 

 The room was now covered in a crimson red. There were intestines hanging from the ceiling fan and a pair of eyes on the window ceil.
 The boy was sprawled out on his bed, his body was cut in half. His arms and legs sliced from their joints.

I was covered in blood.
It dripped from my hair and onto the ground.

Like rain.

703 words

Bloody Weather [ Creepypasta x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now