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I woke up shaking, I kept my eyes closed because the last thing I remember was a black tentacle, Jesus I'm freezing.

  While keeping my eyes closed, someone with quite small hands kept shaking me until they spoke.

" Come on, wake up! " they said, the voice sounded like a little girl's voice. A child?

  Knowing this person was most likely not a threat I opened my eyes, I opened my eyes to her. My eyes wandered over to her.

  She was indeed a little girl. A pink dress that was bloody and tattered. Her eyes were a marble green that fit well with her curly brown hair.

  She noticed that I woke up so she stopped shaking me. She smiled at me, "Your eyes are pretty!" She spoke. I didn't say anything back but I did nod.

I sat up on a...couch. I looked around and saw that I wasn't in the woods but in a house. Looking outside I noticed that it was still raining, I saw that my umbrella was lying on the floor beside my bed so I picked it up and opened it back up over my head.

I know that I am inside but I don't wish for people to see me, clearly I look different from what I used to. Looking around again, I noticed that this girl was the only one in this room right now. This girl didn't mind but she started tugging on my hand.

"Hey, why does everyone keep looking at me weird?" I said.

She stopped for a moment and giggled, "What do you mean? your similar to us! That's why you are here!" she disregarded my question and started bouncing up and down with my hand.

I stood up from this couch and the girl pulled me up the stairs. While I was walking with this girl, I looked at the doors that we passed. One was white and red, another just blue, and others that were colored. Before I knew it, we were standing in front of this large door. The girl that was half my height struggled to open the door so I opened it for her.

She pulled me in and I made sure the umbrella hid me from the people standing around this rather tall man, he had no face. Even though he had no eyes, I could tell he was looking at me.

He spoke in a deep voice.

"Smile dog here," he pointed down at the dog that was by his feet.

"Found you in the woods earlier today and found your appearance and attitude strange," he cleared his throat as he continued.

"So I took it upon myself to have my group of proxies to seek you out and bring you here, I followed along because I needed to see you for myself." He said this in a strange way. Like he was testing me.

The other creeps stood in line in front of his desk. They didn't say anything unless they were talked to.

"Seeing that you are now here, I was intrigued by your...atmosphere and the blood on your clothes." I looked down at the already dried blood on my sleeves, "I would like you to join our group of 'misfits' other known as creepypastas by stories."

... .. .

Hearing this made you give thought to his words, the benefits of this would be having a safe place to sleep and possibly even food. Why would I not say yes?
You nodded your head, "Sure, why not." He had perked up a little after hearing my voice, but he looked down and wrote down a few things.

The other people in the room sighed in relief and looked back at me. Some left and some said hello before leaving and some wanted to have a conversation but I didn't say much.

The tall man that everyone refers to an as slender man or slender waved me off. Sally was the little girl's name. She waved goodbye to the slender man as she pulled me through the door. The door made a loud shutting sound and a click as we continued.

We walked down this long hall that had a door at the end of it. There were no other doors except that one door at the end of this hall. Sally opened the door while tiptoeing.

I stepped inside the room and Sally left and shut the door on her way out. I looked around the room. It had nothing in it but it did have gray walls. While looking around I noticed something was on the ceiling.

The room I was standing in was not big so I reached the latch that dangled there and pulled it down. A latter came down quickly almost hitting me in the head. Once it stopped, I climbed up it and found a room but it was an attic. It had a single bed that was the color of a light blue and a few pillows. Right next to the bed was a desk and above the bed was a glass window. I heard the soft rain land on the glass window.

It was still dark out so I laid down on the bed and sighed, "This is a weird fucking situation" I said while feeling the sheets, it was very soft. I looked back at the latter that I crawled up, I saw that it had closed by itself. I laid the umbrella up against the wall next to the bed. After a while of listening to the rainfall on the clear glass window above the bed, I let my eyes rest and went to sleep.


947 words

Bloody Weather [ Creepypasta x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now