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Fucking Hell.....why is it always raining? The dark clouds above me grew darker as the day grew shorter.

Drip, drip, drip

The raindrops crashed against the umbrella over my head as the abyss of darkness loomed over my face and a little over my shoulders.
The leaves underneath my feet crackled and popped, birds were just being annoying.

Once again the sound of crunching beneath my feet was once heard again.

    The mansion grew into view as the rain started to fall harder.

    I pulled on the handle of the main door and walked inside. The sound of drops of water fell onto the wooden floor as the door silently shut behind me, the mansions lamps dimly lit the place up as I passed through the living room. They must be all out, "They'll find out I'm alive at some point" Making my way upstairs, I glanced around and silently brushed my hand up against the wall. Blood came off my fingers as they stained the wooden walls.

The sound of my footsteps bounced off the walls as I drifted through the halls, reading the signs that tell you which rooms were who and some were just plain. I haven't really explored the mansion that much.
The door to Eyeless Jack's room was all black and I stopped there and stood there looking at his door, I remembered our talk from the lake. For a second I thought I felt happy. Just my imagination.

The wooden door to my room clicked shut and I locked it.

I stumbled to the ground and fell onto my stomach but soon flipped over onto my back. Staring up at the ceiling, thoughts ran through my head like a little lam about to be slaughtered by its owner.

I'm really tired of doing this.

    I wish I never started. All this violence and killing. It was all just to fill some hole that does not feel like is there anymore. The people at this mansion are probably also trying to fill a hole. They have stories that I haven't truly listened to.

    I curl up on the floor, too tired to get into the bed above me, and close my eyes tight.

Who cares.

I have removed a lot from this chapter so I'm sorry that it's short!

Bloody Weather [ Creepypasta x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now