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     I jumped awake and looked around, a noise had woken me up. It was still raining, I thought the rain would go away but I guess not. I stood up and grabbed the umbrella that lay beside me, I reopened it and held it above my head to protect me from the slight dribble of rain.

    The blood that was on my shirt had dried up and now turned brown but the cuts and scratches still bled.

    I could feel the rain and smell it. I looked down at my hands and saw they had turned completely black, as black as a void.

Rolling up my sleeve I looked to see if it was more than just my hand.

"What happened to me?" Both my arms and even my stomach were this void black color. I won't worry about this now, I will later.

    I started walking around again, the trees dark and ominous.

The sun had already set and the stars had appeared between the clouds, it was darker than dark.

"Must have slept the rest of the day." I heard rustling in a bush close by. My eyes quickly peered at the leaves.

The rustling got louder as I stepped toward it. Must be a rabbit, I could eat it.

    Instead of a rabbit, a red and black dog jumped out with a gross grin on its face. Its fur was matted and the red could be confused with the black. It growled at me like I was its dinner.

What the fuck is that.

    I tipped my umbrella so I could get a better look at it.

"Your a funny-looking thing, aren't you?" The dog stepped back a little, its paw seeping into the mud. As long as it didn't touch me or nip at me, then it can go fuck itself.

    The dog ran off. I listened to the rain that hit my umbrella while going to back to walking.

"I should find some shelter."

[ Smile Dog's pov]

  Today I was roaming the woods for food, I was starving. Jeff was out on a mission and nobody cared to feed me.

   Smelling the ground for any fresh meat, I saw a drop of blood on the ground and sniffed it. Human. I started to head toward the same smell, "Strange." The sunny sky started becoming gray as a light rain began to fall. It doesn't usually rain here.

    As I made my way through the brush, I spotted a skinny-looking boy, he had an umbrella above his head. He looked tasty. I hide in a bush and started rustling it to get his attention, he did look over but I couldn't really see his face.

    I didn't care as long as he tasted good. After a bit of rustling the bush, he started to creep toward me. Before I let him get any closer, I jumped out and barred my teeth.

    I looked at him with eyes of hunger. Placing fear inside someone before killing them, makes them taste even better. I was about to pounce on him but he tipped his umbrella back.

    Fear struck threw me, the way the atmosphere changed had run down my spine. I did not trust this man, "Your a funny-looking thing, aren't you?" he said, his voice sounding quiet but a little rough. I am not going to fuck with him, clearly, I need to tell the boss about this. The last time I fucked with another creep without knowing they were a potential, let's say things didn't go well.

  I backed up and ran in the direction of the mansion.

    I stopped in front of the door and panted for air. Barging through the door and running into the corner, I curled up and shivered. I heard the door front door slam closed.

   Jeff stretched his arms out and yawned, "What a fucking day." He looked over at me, "the hell are you doing?"Jeff said with a raspy voice. I could only say Maybe a few words, "That boy is not normal" I said with a hint of anger, "That rain came from him" Jeff looked outside but all he saw was clear skies and the sun.

    Jeff knew something was wrong, "It's clear as day out there." He sighed and headed up the stairs to talk to the boss. Clearly, we had a new creep on our hands. As he walked away from me and up to the boss, I could hear their conversation.

  Jeff told him about the 'weird' shit I was saying and that we have, "a new weirdo" on our hands. Slenderman sighed and told him to send out the proxies to fetch him.

[ Your pov ]

   As I walked through the woods, it seemed like the rain followed me.


Everything was calm until I heard rustling in a bush...again with this. If it's that fucking dog again then, I'm gonna fucking kill it. The rustling stopped but three people jumped out instead. They all had weapons out that pointed directly at me. A hatchet, a gun, and a bat.

    One had a mouth guard on and goggles, he twitched a lot too. His body jerked in odd ways.

Another one of them had a mask on, it looked like a woman's mask, I snicker a little.

The last one had an orange hoodie on with a frowning mask on.

    The rain poured harder now, the guys in front of me stood their ground but they looked confused about the rain,

"I swear it was j-just sunny." The one with the mouthguard said as he shook his head in an attempt to get rid of the water.

"Who are you?" The one with the feminine mask asked. He took a step forward. I didn't move considering he was the one with the gun.

"None of you business. Tell the way out of these woods." It was time I got out of this place. Finding a remote town being best.

He brought his gun up, pointing it up at the sky. His head rolled back as he seemed to give it thought.



I was flung to the ground as my umbrella dropped to the ground. My head felt like it was hit like a baseball.

My hand grasped onto the muddy ground as I tried to bring my self up. Above me was the guy with the sad face. I just not have noticed him move away from the small group.
The other guy with the hatchet came over and kneeled beside me.

"Bet you didn't didn't didn't expect that." His tics causing him to repeat words.

A black tentacle wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground.

  The creature that picked me up turned me around, "p-put me down" I said but the static in my ears made it hard to think. My vision became blurry and turned black.


1157 words

Bloody Weather [ Creepypasta x Male Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now