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Keith and his mother had finally gotten away from the galra that were after them after they had escaped and tricked them with the blade. Keith took the blade as he got up and watched their surroundings while facing away from Krolia as the little ship is on autopilot, feeling so many different emotions all at once and not knowing what to do or how to cope now that he finally met his mother.

"Keith, listen... Can we talk, please?", she puts a hand on his shoulder and he looks at her as she stands next to him with a soft and sorrowful look on her face. "I know you probably have alot of questions.. but.. the reason i didnt let you stay with me was cause space was so dangerous for you and you looked human... So... I figured your father could save you and you could be raise as a normal chi--", she was interuppted by Keith shouting, "Yeah, well he abandoned me when i was young! im pretty sure he either died or went looking for you! if you had just--", Krolia pulled Keith into a tight hug as she sobbed but he stood there, still and shocked. She sobbed, "Keith, i love you.. I promise i'll never leave your side ever again and im here now so i want to be apart of your life.. Please... Let me in, my son..", these words made Keith break down as he started to cry and hugged her back just as tight.

"Mom... I've missed you so much..", he sobbed into her shoulder as they both collapsed and sat on the floor, Keith with his head against her chest as he continued to sob. She hummed a little song to him that she used to sing to him before he was put on earth to live with his father. "Hush little galra, dont you worry now, there is no danger near. You are safe in your mothers arms. You have nothing to fear, danger is not near and i am here to protect you. I am going nowhere.", this lullably eventually put Keith to sleep before they got back to where he stayed with his new teammates.

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