" Don't please... "

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Will he love me the same way?

Mug's P.O.V

I woke up next to Boris in his room... I remembered all that happened last night... I think Boris got flashbacks to when Bendy had the ink illness. It broke my heart seeing him like this... His face was scared, so scared that even in his sleep he had a scared expression... I wanted to just take him by the hand and dance with him till the angels took us to a paradise that took away all worry and all pain... It was super early in the morning. I saw Boris look at his phone, 2:03 AM it said. I felt him flinch before so he must have had a nightmare... He started crying afterward, I cuddled him closely and he turned around facing me and cuddled back crying and balling his eyes out. " Boris, shh, shh, your alright, Bendy's alright. He's being watched by Cuphead in his room. " I said trying to comfort Boris, he nodded and I knew he was forcing himself to stop crying because he knew I would never lie to him. " You had a nightmare about Bendy, didn't chu? " I asked as he nodded then nuzzled into my chest. I noticed we were both in just PJ pants and no shirt. He felt soo soft and warm~ I cuddled him more making him calm down more. I heard the door creak open and I immediately cradled Boris in my arms and gave the door a glare. Soon enough I saw too crimson red eyes glowing in the darkness of the hallway, it was Bendy. I looked down to see Boris sleeping. " Bendy?! What are you doing in here?! You should be with cups! Sleeping! " I yelled in a scratched whisper. " I wanted to make sure he was okay! " Bendy yelled back at me. I felt Boris shift on my chest so I hugged him tightly. " He's fine! Go back to sleep! " I yelled silently at Bendy as I saw his eyes nod and leave. I fell back asleep with Boris.


No1's P.O.V

Oswald was thinking while drinking his coffee on the couch. ,, Is he lying? Or is he being serious? I can't tell... ,, Oswald was asking himself that over and over again enough to not notice one of his sons yelling in front of his face. " UNCLE MICKEY!!!! SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH PAPA AGAIN!!! " The child yelled out making Mickey get up from his bed then ran to the living room. " Ozzy?! " Mickey said kinda shaking Oswald's shoulders. " Huh?! " Oswald said snapping out of deep thought. " You alright Ozzy?! " Mickey said with a worried look. " Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. I was just in deep thought bro. Don't worry! " Oswald said hugging his brother. " Alright. Well, he was worried about you. " Mickey said pointing to the child right in front of Oswald crying. " -gasp- I'm so sorry!! " Oswald said picking him up an hugging him. The child cried and whined as Oswald was cuddling and nuzzling his son which all the children wanted love too so they joined the cuddles and nuzzles. As this was going on Felix walked into the cuteness and fainted. " FELIX! " Oswald said as they all got up and ran to him. They took him to his bed then waited. " Oswald? " Felix asked after a few minutes passed. " You fainted. It's because you got out of bed and you're sick... " Oswald said as Felix remembered the lie he told yesterday. " I feel better just lightheaded and... I got an overdose of cuteness when I walked in. " Felix said with a shy shoulder. The kids walked out wanting to go play outside. " O-Oh! I didn't know you fainted from an overdose of emotion. " Oswald said hugging Felix. " Mhm. I do. That's why I fainted when you said 'Hi' to me for the first time. I was so overwhelmed by your handsome voice. " Felix said as they both blushed. " O-Oh! Heh. I never knew that. " Oswald said rubbing the back of his head shyly. " Hey, Felix. " Bendy said walking in weakly. " Bendy! Are you alright? " Felix yelped as Bendy shook his head. " I have hidoihana... " Bendy said with a whimper. " You too?! " Felix said accidentally as Oswald looked at him surprised and shocked. Felix realized what he just said and slowly looked at Oswald. " So... You did lie... Had the flu? Huh? That was blood on your shirt, wasn't it? " Oswald said getting a stern tone of voice and an angry face. " I-... I have no excuse for me lying to you... I shouldn't have done it... I'm sorry Oswald... " Felix said getting a depressed sad look. " Sorry? Sorry doesn't cut it this time Felix. YOU PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER OF DYING!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! It doesn't matter anymore... Do what you want to do... " Oswald said turning his back on Felix and leaving the room angrily. 

Felix looked like he was struck by lightning right on his heart. Another pain struck his lungs and throat. He got up and rushed to the bathroom to cough and puke in the toilet. Realising the blood and flower petals in his lungs. Bendy weakly rushed over and patted his back. After that attack happened he went to his bed and laid their silently as tears rushed down his cheeks and nose. " F-Felix...? " Bendy whimpered at Felix as he sat up shakily and held his arms out for a hug. Bendy did as was commanded and hugged Felix. Felix started to sob and hiccup on Bendy's shoulder. " Don't please... " Bendy said as he patted his back then cried too. Cuphead heard loud weeps from upstairs and rushed to Felix's room. " What happened?! " Cups shouted and went over to the crying couple. " O-Oswald...! Oswald, d-doesn't..! He-...! " Felix tried to stutter out but failed. " Oswald yelled and seemed like he didn't care about Felix.! " Bendy spoke up for Felix as they both wept. Cups picked both of them up and walked downstairs. Oswald rushed over to see what was wrong. " What happened to them?! " Oswald asked as Cuphead gave a glare. " YOU SHOULD KNOW ALREADY JACKRABBIT... " Cups scolded Oswald and went outside with them in his arms. Oswald thought for a moment then rushed to his room and cried. 

" I didn't mean to say it like that... " Oswald said regretting the way he spoke to Felix.

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