" Huh?! "

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Day 60... Still no feelings... Still... No words...

Bendy's P.O.V

I still feel bad for Felix... Oswald is depressed and barely speaks to anyone but Sheba, Cups, and Mickey... I don't want to see Felix like this... Cups has been best friends with him ever since Felix got stage 3 depression. I'm starting to think... Cups is making Felix fall in love with him... I woke up from the sound of Cup's voice. I groaned and moved away from him. " Baby demon won't wake up? I guess it's safe for me to try and eat him now~ " Cuppy said as he started to nibble my stomach and waist. I laughed and hit him a few times not hard. Cups blew bubbles on my stomach making me laugh more. " Okay! Okay! I'm up! I'm up!! " I said panting. Cups gave me a deep kiss then got up. " Mickey made breakfast and the bunny kids want us to be the bandits this time! " Cups said putting a bandana around his mouth. " Getting into character? " I asked smirking. " I don't want to have a sucker dart beard again... " Cups said making me remember and laugh. " You should put on those shades I gave you. " Cups smiled at me then I nodded getting up. 

Oswald's P.O.V

Felix hasn't talked to me in 2 months... I missed seeing his smiling face look over at me with his caramel eyes... He doesn't look anyone in the eye anymore, doesn't go outside, he barely even leaves his room... Sheba is the only one who is able to get him to do stuff... She said he's resisting more... Against his medication, eating, drinking, and it's been two months since he's been out of his room... I snuck a baby monitor in his room under his T.V and... All he does is sleep? Doesn't read, watch T.v, get on his phone, nothing... 

I hear him call my name at night... In the... The lovable tone he used to have... I see him smile too... It's so heartbreaking to see him only happy in his dreams... If only I could see his eyes with that perky sparkle again... If I didn't feel like it was wrong to force himself to love me I'd be all over him right now... But, It does. When I hear him at night... It... It nearly makes me smile.. But, every time he did... It'd make me cry to the point I was sobbing and bawling so loud Mickey came up from downstairs to comfort me... When I was calmed down and acting like I was asleep, Mickey would leave the room then pause and sigh at my door then walk slowly down the stairs and most likely cuddle with Minnie for a while until he actually fell asleep but... Within that last moment from a month ago, I looked over at the monitor and stare at it from shock... Felix was sitting up staring at it. I figured out that the monitor wasn't broken, Felix had found it, then done something with it. I know he knew I was worried about him and I cared about him but... He just doesn't want anyone to see him.... I saw Sheba bring something to him the other day... Not sure what it was.. But every time I walk past his door... It reminds me of when I was a teenager... I'm not sure if he's getting drunk now but... It definitely smells like alcohol...   If I was quick about it... I'd be able to sneak into Felix's room and talk to him. 

I got up and was able to sneak past everyone and quietly get to Felix's room without waking him up. I definitely smelt whiskey. I hid beside Felix's nightstand closest to the wall, I never noticed how dark it was in his room... I heard Felix shift so I turned and looked to see him with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, half gone.. It was a really big bottle! And, I heard Sheba creep into his room last night! He drank that much within 3 or 4 hours?! I had to do something at this point. I stood up and got visible, of course, Felix had his back turned toward me and got what sounded like a glass from his other nightstand. " FELIX!!! " I yelled angrily. " Huh?! " Felix yelped dropping the bottle of Whisky and turning my direction with a bloody cloth in his other hand, not a glass. The glass had shattered all over the floor and the smell of Whiskey got stronger making me cough. I realized that his throat might have cuts still in it, and his chest had stiches... At that moment,... Felix, was shaking, tearing up quickly, and whimpering getting ready to scream... I didn't know what else to do other than tackle him and shut him up or stand there pointlessly pleading then make him scream and get yelled at by Mickey or Bendy. I went with the first option and pinned him down on the bed and covered his mouth with my hand. I heard footsteps by the door so I tried my best to keep his mouth covered with my hand and shush him quietly. I heard the footsteps go away and turned back to see Felix staring at me scared whimpering muffledly while tears were falling down his cheeks like a waterfall. I rubbed his nose to calm him down then examined his arms and chest. He had stitches all up his chest, they weren't as bad as the tiger he fought but, they were still bad. " If I take my hand off your mouth do you promise not to be loud? " I asked as he closed his eyes and sobbed muffledly. I took my hand off and gently sat him up while hugging him. He was trembling, sobbing quietly on my shoulder, he was scared... He hugged me back tightly while keeping the promise that he still never agreed to... " Why are you afraid...? " I asked him as he tried to calm down. Between sobs, I could only understand some; Because you angry at me. That's all I could make out but I was able to connect it from 200 children babbling and crying. " Because I would get angry at you? " I asked as he nodded still muffling his sobs. I felt like a horrible guilty person... I remember I yelled at him before he passed out. He was afraid of me because I got mad at him. I kissed his head and gently rocked him. He wrapped his legs around me and hugged me getting closer. I rubbed his head and wiped the tears from his face. For the first time, his eyes shined, not just from tears. " Felix... I'm so sorry about how I yelled at you... I worry about you.. Do you know that? " I asked as Felix nodded and his sobs got loud. I hugged him close again while rubbing his back gently and petting the back of his head. " I miss seeing you. Why did you block everyone out? They worry about you too. " I asked as Felix seemed to be getting angry. " WHY DID YOU SNEAK INTO MY ROOM?! " Felix yelled as I heard everyone get up from downstairs. I gave up at that point. I gave Felix a kiss which he punched me in the eye... I didn't know which one hurt more right then. But... 

I did fall off the bed and hit my head on the floor. 

Right before I hit my head I saw that Felix regretted that moment and before I blacked out I heard him yell my name... 

Just like Ortensia did when... 

...She died...

* 1313 Words *

    (( I'm sorry this was a Very Sad chapter but It will get better! I promise! ))    

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