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Bendy started to wake up from a crab crawling on Bendy's thy causing him to scream. Boris looked over and the cupbros did as well then went to Bendy. " Bendy? -YIKES! It's a crab! " Boris said backing up. " FELIX! THERE'S A KING CRAB ON BENDY! " Boris yelled to Felix as they all got up and went to Bendy. " What's a crab doing here on the beach? They are usually in water. " Felix said scratching his head. " WELL, GET IT OFF ME! " Bendy yelled hiding his cheeks down under the towel. Felix tried to grab its claws but then it snapped at Felix. " I know an easier way to get it off, but I'm gonna have to use your towel. " Felix said as Bendy shook his head. " I'll get it! " Cups said as he kneeled over and waited but the crab didn't look away from Cups. " Bendy! Distract it with your hand er something! " Cups said as Bendy shook his head. Bendy used his tail and moved it around like a snake-- the crab got distracted and started to snap at Bendy's tail. Cups grabbed it by its claws and held it up. " We gonna have crab tonight guys?" Cups asked with a grin. " I guess so? " Boris said being unsure. " Sounds good to me! " Mugs said with a smile. The others went back to the water and splashed each other. " Get the cooler Mugs. " Cups said as Mugs did so. " WAIT A MINUTE?! " Bendy shouted and Cups turned around. " WHO PUT ME HERE?! " Bendy shouted blushing. " I did. Why? " Cups asked as Bendy hid entirely with the towel. "Ooh... Sorry, Bendy. You do look cute in that bikini though, don't try to hide it. " Cups said with a comforting smile and went back to airing up another floaty for Felix. Once he was done with that, he handed it to Felix then got out a red and a blue surfboard both having a wisp-like design on it. " YO MUGS! UP FOR SOME SURFING?! " Cups yelled at Mugs as he rushed over from building a sandcastle with Boris. " Sure bro! " Mugs replied and grabbed the blue one. " C-Cups! " Bendy yelped shyly. " Hm? Yeah, Bendy? " Cups replied walking over to Bendy. " Thanks for helping me with that crab... And.. Can I come with you? I've never been surfing. " Bendy asked taking the towel off himself. Cups blushed then rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. " Surfing is really dangerous.. A lil guy like you would get stuck at the bottom and drowned from the hard current... " Cups said with a worried look. " I don't want my best friend killed or hurt. " Cups said as he got an idea and popped his trunk open. " After I beat Mugs at surfing, we can go boogie boarding if ya want! " Cups said with a smile. " Sure! " Bendy replied smiling back. " I'll let you in on how OUR surfing competitions go! We try to be ahead and also knock the other off their feet and into the water! " Cups says as Mugs walks over 'accidentally' hitting Cups on the head with the surfboard. " OW! Jerkwad! " Cups said looking over at Mugs with an angry expression and rubbing his head. " Alright Bendy see ya in a minute! " Cups said as they all sat in the water and watched Cups and Mugs race to the wave start. " You look cute in that swimsuit Bendy! " Boris said with a smile. " Th-Thanks Boris. " Bendy blushed as the cupbros got into the waves. " GO MUGS!! " Boris shouted and got a smile from Mugs as he almost fell off by Cups. " G-GO CUPHEAD! " Bendy shouted as Cups smiled then cut Mugman off. 

" You're not getting me this time Cups! " Mugs shouted. " You and what army?! " Cups shouted back as Mugs picked up some seaweed from the water then threw it at Cups. Cups dodged a few times but then it stuck onto Cups back. They went back and forth but then the last round was in place...

Mugs was ahead of Cups, but it was not long before that changed. The wave was closing in quickly. Mugs kicked Cups nearly knocking him off, but Cups looped around the wave actually going upside down. The wave closed... Then there appear Cups jumping off the back of the wave. The wave pushed Cups to the shore along with Mugs being upside down on his board. " HA! Win the same way every time lil bro! " Cups said getting cocky. " Cups! You looped in the wave?! " Felix asked full of wonder. " Yeah! I do it every time! Also, I got down on my stomach then looped and rammed through the wave! That's how I got over it! " Cups said as they all clapped. " Alright Bendy! Boogie boarding like I said? " Cups asked as Bendy nodded. They went on to the beach then got the boogie boards and went to where there were about two inches of water. " Alright, what you want to do is kinda slide it onto the water then run and jump on it. " Cups said as he did it easily. " Oh! That's easy! " Bendy said getting cocky. He did it but ended up slipping and falling straight on his back. " Still think it's easy? " Cups asked with a smirk. " HN-NOPE! " Bendy shouted then a wave washed over him. Cups picked him up then patted his back as Bendy coughed up a bit of water. " Ehh... I don't think we should do that. It took me awhile to get the hang of it too! " Cups said as Bendy hugged back. " Okie. Then what do we do? " Bendy asked as Mugs had Boris on his shoulders. " CHICKEN FIGHT! " Mugs shouted out with a big evil grin. " YOU'RE ON MUGS! " Bendy said climbing onto Cups shoulders. Mugs and Cups got in waist deep water then got closer to each other. Boris and Bendy latched hands then pushed forward trying to push the other. Eventually Bendy pushed Boris off. Boris yelped in pain as he jumped into Mugs arms. " What?! " Mugs asked with worry as Boris was freaking out. " THERE'S SOMETHING ON MY TAIL!!! " Boris yelped again as Mugs brought Boris to shore. " FELIX! " Mugs shouted as he held Boris's hand. Oswald and Felix rushed over then Oswald got a hold onto the crab's claw that was free then Felix grabbed the other claw with one hand stabilizing the chance of getting pinched. Felix squeezed a joint in the crabs claw making it release Boris's tail. " Ow! Thanks, Mr.Felix! " Boris said with relief. " No problem. Oswald? Wanna help me bring this one to the cooler? " Felix asked as Oswald nodded his head. 

That night-

" That was pretty good but... It needed a PINCH of salt! " Cups said winking. Bendy and Felix laughed while Boris, Mugs, and Oswald sighed with annoyance and shook their head. " Aw, cmon, don't be so CRABBY! " Cups said as Bendy laughed harder and soon Boris laughed too. " Alright. I'll stop. Anyway, it's time for me and Mugs to take a shower and go to bed. " Cups said as Bendy walked behind Cups and climbed up on the counter. " Aww man! I wish y'all could stay up longer! " Boris whined as Mugs snapped his fingers. " We can have a sleepover tomorrow! " Mugs said as Boris agreed. " Let me and Mugs take a shower then get some rest then we'll go to the park tomorrow or something! Where's Bendy? " Cups asked as Bendy jumped onto Cups back surprising him. " You sneaky lil Demon! " Cups said as Bendy giggled. " Aww! I haven't heard that giggle in a long time! " Felix awed as Bendy giggled more. " Alright, We'll be back tomorrow! Bendy! Cmon! Off! " Cups said as Bendy hopped off. They waved goodnight then they took a shower themselves and went to bed. 

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