" W-Was that a dream...? "

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I... I didn't mean to push him off the bed...

No1's P.O.V

The bunny children lay there awake. Felix did too. " Kids..? Are you... Are you mad at me..? " Felix asked as they all got up and left. " So... They are mad at me..? Heh... Can't imagine why they wouldn't be... I bet everyone is... " Felix said to himself as he looked down at the tips of his fingers. " I bet they wished I was dead... But... Ozzy wouldn't want that! Or would he..? " Felix talked to himself as Sheba stood next to the door listening. " Why are there so many voices in my head?! " Felix asked himself as he began to sob. " Felix? You alright furball? " Sheba asked as she went over and sat down on the bed. Felix looked up and hugged Sheba tightly. Felix started to sob on her shoulder. " Ey... Ey... Furball... It's alright! Oswald is alright! He just got a concussion! No broken bones! Maybe a sprang neck er' something but the doctor said that nothin' was broken! Calm down... " Sheba said softly trying to calm him down. " I-I-It's my fault though!!! I'm the entire reason he got hurt! Physically and emotionally!!! I should have died by that tiger... But... I didn't... I bet everyone hates me too... " Felix said as he began to sob more. " Felix...! Don't say that! Everyone is just tired... They panicked, I know you get tired if you panic... They aren't mad... " Sheba said trying her best to make him stop sobbing. " Do ya wanna visit him today? " Sheba asked as Felix calmed down. " He probably hates me... No kidding... Why wouldn't he be... I pushed him off the bed after I yelled at him... That's exactly what happened before I went into a shock of hidoihana.... " Felix said as tears ran down his face. " Let's go visit him furball. He would be happy to see you. " Sheba said as Felix cooperated with her. 

=At the Hospital=

The nurse politely let them in. " Ey bunbun. Howz ya holdin' up? " Sheba asked as Felix hid behind a plant. " Hm? " Oswald peeped turning around from looking out the window. " No shirt eh? " Sheba smirked. " It gets too hot, especially during the day with these windows. I just wear some short shorts. " Oswald said seeing two brown eyes peer through the plant. His ears perked up, then he smiled. " Scared that I'll be mad at you? I'm not. I shouldn't have snook into your room Felix. " Oswald said as Felix just stared just to make sure he wasn't playing a trick. " -sigh- Playing this game? You're behind the plant to my right, by the door. " Oswald said seeing the eyes blink a few times. " -sigh- Your left... " Oswald said as Felix still didn't move. " Do I have to go over and tickle you? " Oswald said with a slight smile. " Noop! " Felix said getting up and shuffling over to Oswald's bed. Felix's face was cherry red. " If you wanna hug me you can. My neck only hurts a bit. " Oswald said as Felix just sat on the bed. Sheba whispered something to Oswald that made his ears perk up. " Do you want me to hug you? " Oswald asked leaning over. " Nononono! Y-Your fine! " Felix said waving his hands back and forth saying no. " What?~ Can't hug a muscular bunny?~ " Oswald flirted as Felix blushed more. " Don't chu dare start that Oswald! " Felix said embarrassed. " W-Wait...? Your blushing? Embarrassed of me? Worried about me? Sobbed over me? Eyes shimmering when talking to me..? How fast is your heart..? " Oswald asked as Felix blushed more. Felix put his head up letting his neck open up to Oswald. Oswald got the hint and felt Felix's pulse along his neck. " Y-Your... You... Do you love me again..? " Oswald said as his eyes shimmered and teared up. " I am getting the urge to cuddle with you- !!! I MEAN!! UHH!!! UHM!!! HUG YOU! HUG YOU! I DIDN'T SAY CUDDLE! " Felix yelped blushing hard. " Y-You love me again!!! " Oswald said pulling Felix into a hug. Felix purred at that action and his tail shaped into a heart. " Are you purring? " Oswald chuckled. " What?! N-No! " Felix denied. " Your shy Austrailian accent is adorable~ " Oswald flirted more. " I do want to though... " Felix purred laying down on the bed. Oswald laid down with Felix and cuddled.


Felix woke up...... " W-Was that a dream..? " Felix lifted himself up to see him in a hospital bed with bloody bandages around his neck and arms. " I-It was a dream... " Felix said to himself. " You alright Felix? " Sheba asked him. " Was that a dream..? Us seeing Oswald? " Felix asked. " Yep... Oswald died two days ago bud... " Sheba said as Felix teared up. " B-But I love him!!! H-He can't be dead!!! " Felix said starting to sob. 

" Felix!!! Felix! It's okay! It's just a dirty joke! Sorry! " Sheba said hugging him. Oswald got up from behind the plant Felix hid behind. His eyes shimmering with the open moonlight. " I'm not dead Felix... " Oswald said with a comforting smile while taking off the bandages revealing a ketchup scent and no scratches on his arms or neck. " Y'all are jerks!! " Felix yelled while laying down in the bed. " Cmon kitty~ It was just a bad joke! I know you love me~ " Oswald said laying down next to Felix. " I'm starting to regret it... " Felix said with a smirk and opening his eyes because Oswald was getting a little too close. Oswald slithered a hand up to Felix's tiger scar and another to Felix's chest. " Ozzy.. I'm tired. No rubs right now. " Felix said as Oswald took the hand on the scar and held Felix close with it. " Goodnight Feely~ " Oswald said cuddling close and giving him a kiss on the cheek. " You have to sleep in that bed because I'll be up early getting checked and I don't want you being all cuddle needy while the doctors are trying to check me out. " Oswald said with a smile. " Alright. " Felix said with a yawn, he shuffled over to the bed and plopped on it falling asleep right away. 

* 1113 Words *

((You're welcome!!! ))

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