Chapter Eight

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A week later...

"See you next week!" my mom called as my grandparents waved, we had a family get together for my cousins birthday. It was like 11 at night and we still had a half hour drive home, we set off through the countryside as a car pulled out behind us. He kept getting really close to the bumper of our car, his lights blinding me and my mom. "What an asshole" my mom muttered as she pulled over and he sped past.

We turned into the road that led to our house as another car came out from a road behind us, "mom its the same car from earlier" I commented as she looked in the mirror. " Get his number plate Angel" she said as I found a pen and a bit of paper, he was getting close again with the full beams on. I couldn't see and neither could my  mom, I blinked pulling my eyes away as I saw a lamppost getting close to the car. "Mom steer to the right!" I said as she did, as I heard her scream. There as a crash of metal and then silence, Pain shot through my whole body as the car drove past.

I looked over at my mom, she was draped over the steering wheel. She had blood streaming out of a deep cut on her head, glass was shattered over her and she wasn't moving. "Mom" I said putting my fingers to her neck, her pulse was barely there as I pulled off my seat belt and opened the door. I fell to the ground as a lady came running out from a house, "ive phoned an ambulance they are on their way try not to move ok" she said kneeling down next to me.

"My mom please help my mom" I begged trying to ignore the darkness that clouded my head. I felt my eyes getting heavier, "stay with me whats your name?" she asked. "Angel" I replied sleepily as she placed my head in her lap, "ok angel I need you to stay awake" she said as blue lights came towards me. "So tired, so very tired" I whispered before blacking out.

The strong smell of disinfectant filled my nose as I blinked in bright white light. I couldn't move my arm. My head hurt and I couldn't breathe properly as I attempted to sit up. "No angel don't try and get up" a voice said as I looked up and saw Tommy sitting on the end of the bed.

"Tommy?" I whispered as I realised how sore my throat hurt like I had been swallowing sand. "I'll go get a nurse" he said running out the door and returning a few minutes later with a nurse and a doctor. "Hello angel it's good to see you're awake how are you feeling?" a doctor said.

"Sore" I answered as he read through the clipboard at the end of the bed. I was handed a glass of water by the nurse as I sipped it, "ok I just need to check your scarring and your vitals" the doctor explained. Wait scarring where? He lifted up the cover to reveal a bandage round my middle and round my ribs, there was one round my left arm and a cast on my right leg. "I look like a mummy" I said as Tommy laughed, the doctor looked under the bandages and wrote on the clipboard.

He shone a light in my eyes again writing it on the clipboard, he checked my blood pressure and the machines. Then it hit me "wheres my mom?" I asked as the doctors looked at each other, "shes in intensive care" a doctor explained. " I need to see her" I said trying to get up, "we cant let you see her im afraid" the nurse said. "No I need to see my mom, let me see my mom!" I said struggling and getting agitated. "Angel calm down its not good for you" Tommy urged, "I want to see my mom you cant stop me" I said hysterically. I felt a prick in my arm as I once again slipped into darkness.

A few hours later I woke up, Tommy was asleep in a chair next to the bed. I watched him as he slept, his eyelashes fluttered as he dreamed and his cheeks were a little flushed. He looked kind of cute, I couldnt really remember what happened but I guess I will find out soon enough. But I know everything flipping hurts right now, I sat and watched him sleep for a while but the pain was becoming unbearable.

I reached for the buzzer thing but it was too far away, "Tommy" I said as he stirred a little. I called his name again as his eyes snapped open, "whats wrong Angel?" he asked sleepily. "Can you pass me that buzzer thing please" I asked as he handed it to me, "are you ok?" he said. "Yeah just in a little pain thats all" I said, yeah understatment of the century.

A couple of days later....

"Hey sweetie did you sleep ok?" a voice said, I sat up slowly and saw my Nan. "Mm hey, where's Tommy and grandad?" I said quietly. "Tommy popped home to shower and stuff, grandad is getting you some clean clothes so you're stuck with me I'm afraid" she said smiling. I laughed and winced, "that's cool" I answered.

"How's mom?" I questioned, "she's well alive" my Nan told me. Wow it must be bad if my Nan is just saying that, "please let me see her" I said. "Babe I don't think that's a good idea, I mean you're in no state to be traipsing around hospital corridors" as he told me.

"Please just ask I haven't seen her for days" I begged as she nodded and left the room. She returned a few minutes later with a nurse, "I'm afraid we can't let you go" she explained. "Well tough because I'm going and you can't stop me" I said pulling off the covers as the machines all bleeped around me. "Angel listen to the nurse" my Nan said, "no I have to see my mom now you can either help me or I will go on my own" I said as the nurse left.

She came back with a wheelchair, "we can't stop you but you need someone trained with you in case" the nurse said as she helped me into the chair. She wheeled me up the corridor to a room, my mom was laying on the bed. She had bandages round her head a tube up her nose another in her mouth. She was attached to loads of machines and other stuff, she was completely white and still.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" my Nan asked as I nodded and she pushed me in. "She's so still" I said taking her hand in mine, "I know Angel she had the full impact of the crash" my Nan told me. "She's still holding on despite her injuries" a doctor said walking into the room, "what injuries?" I questioned.

"I don't think that we should discuss it here" he said, "will you stop telling me you can't tell me she's my mom and I want to know what's going on" I said. "Well she has several broken bones, swelling in the brain, a collapsed lung and internal bleeding" he said as I choked back tears.

"So basically it's just machines keeping her alive?" I questioned as the doctor nodded. "I want to go now please I'm tired" I said breathing deeply to stop the tears escaping. "Ok then" my Nan said as I was helped to my room by the nurse. I slid under the cover as my nans mobile buzzed, "you can't find it? Not even under the mat? Right ok I'll be there in ten minutes" she said putting the phone down.

"Grandad can't find the spare key I need to let him in are you ok to be left for half hour?" she asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said quietly as she kissed my cheek and left, I buried my head in the pillow as the tears I fought so hard to keep back streamed down my face...


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