Chapter Nine

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"Angel what's wrong? Has something happened?" Tommy said kneeling down beside me. I couldn't even answer him because I was crying so much, I started to gasp for air as Tommy ran out of the room shouting for help. A nurse came running into my room and yelled for a doctor, shockwaves of pain shot through my chest as breathing became harder.

"We need to get her to theatre now!" a doctor said as I was jabbed with a needle and a mask was put over my face. "What's going on? Is she ok?" Tommy said sounding a little distressed. "We think a piece of bone from the fracture in her ribs has dug into her lungs we need to operate immediately" the doctor explained as I was wheeled away. Darkness started to cloud me as I fell into a drug induced sleep.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Tommy pacing the floor, I felt tired, drained and sore. I sighed quietly as Tommys eyes snapped up from the floor as he literally ran to me and grabbed my hand. "Hey youre ok, I was so worried" he said, "Im fine" I said hoarsley. "Now are you going to tell me what got you so worked up?" he asked. "It doesnt matter" I replied, "enough angel dont you get that I care about you? Youre my best friend and ever since we kissed I cant get you out of my head" he said.

"I totally get that Tommy but I cant talk about it so just drop it" I said as he nodded. "Do you want to go and see your mom?" he asked, "no I dont I mean no she needs her rest" I stuttered as Tommy raised his eyebrow at me but didnt push it further.

A week or so later...

Im leaving the hospital today im staying with my nan until my mom comes out of hospital, I dont think she will be but I cant focus on that right now. All these meds im on make me feel like death, I literally cant eat anything and I can only drink like milk. My papers were signed saying I was free to go and I was given loads of medication, "come on them sweetie lets get you home" my grandad said helping me out of the bed as my nan grabbed one arm and Tommy picked up the bag.

Hes been amazing this whole time but iv been a total cow to him, I didnt mean to hes such a sweetheart. His eyes are a lighter brown today kind of like caramel, they change from really dark brown to really light brown. Im watching him now the way his hair falls over one eye and his light pink lips and his flushed cheeks, But I cant  let myself like him can I?

I shook my head as I was helped into the car, "did you want us to drop you home Tommy?" my nan asked. "That would be cool Mrs Hazelwood thank you" he said politely as he stared out the window. We hardly spoke the whole ride as my nan pulled up outside Tommys house and he thanked them and climbed out.

We headed home as the journey took less time than usual,we pulled into the drive as my grandmother went to unlock the door. My grandad helped me out of the car and upstairs to my room. I slid under the duvet realising how good it was to be around my own things.

My room was similar to the one at my house mainly because I stayed here a lot. "Do you want something to eat?" my Nan asked appearing in the door, "no thanks I just want to sleep" I said. "Ok then babe have a little sleep and try some food later" she said kissing my head and leaving the room.

After a few hours I woke up,I figured I had sat up to quickly as I winced. Someone knocked on my door, "come in" I said as my nan came in with a tray of toast and milk. "I got you some food" she said, "I dont want it" I said. "You need to eat Angel just try a little bit" she said placing the tray on the table next to me.

I ate most of it and text Tommy, -sorry I was such a cow I just got some bad news please text me- I pressed send an put my phone on my desk. He didnt reply, I guess I had really pissed him off. I shifted uncomfortably in my bed like I needed to pee, I slid out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Once I was done I put on a film, took my meds and slowly started to fall sleep.

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