Chapter Fifteen

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I looked round at the room around me, glass splinters sparkled around me as books and furniture was strewn across the room. Empty bottles of alcohol covered the floor and a smokey film covered the room. This was where I lived now or rather squatted, a tumbled down old factory unit with a manky sofa and minimal funiture with a few books and picture frames. My granparents, I ran away from home I could tell that the way I am was affecting them. The girls dont really bother with me that often, the police found out about their scams and they blamed me.

Sitting amist the mess I looked back on my life, how did I get it all so wrong. Always looking for any way to get my next fix of weed or booze, living in a abandoned and unsafe factory unit. A family who have washed their hands of me and ex friends who just want me dead, hater on my facebook telling me to die. Maybe its for the best I mean I have no family, friends or home now maybe it really would be better if I was gone.

I stood up as glass cracked beneath my feet, cold air whipped around my face as I pulled my thin jumper tighter round my body. I walked up the empty streets as I heard raised voices, "well well if it isnt our little snitch angel" a voice said as gina walked out of the shadows followed by the others. "Please just leave me alone" I said as they stood in front of me, "sorry no can do you need to pay for grassing us up get her girls" she said as they lunged at me.

I ran up the street as fast as I could as they ran closely behind me, the roads slowly became wider as I stopped before a car park. I dived inside and hid behind a beam as they ran past, I looked around as I spotted the stairs leading up as I heard footsteps coming towards me. I glanced up the stairs and ran towards them as the footsteps got nearer, I found myself on the top level of the car park.

I walked to the edge as I looked over as the vast drop below me, I heard someone shout my name as I turned round and saw noone. I could end everything right now theres noone to stop me, all I have to do is 'fall'. "Go on jump I dare you" avril said walking towards me as I backed up, "what do you want from me?" I said.

"Me I just want you to be happy or you can just pay for grassing us up" she said crossing her arms, "I didnt say anything I swear" I answered. "Now you see these guys think you did" she said pointing to the other gang members that had appeared. "As the leader of this group I think its only fair that I let them have what they want go ahead girls" she said as the pounced on me.

I tried to push them away but they were too strong, by the time they were done I was laying near the edge. "Now I think its time to help you out" avril said kneeling down next to me,"what more do you want avril youve got me back you cant help me noone can" I said standing up. "I can you want everything to end dont you?" she said facing me. "I dont know" I answered, "well I can easily push you off here and stop everything you know or you can jump yourself" she said.

My phone was ringing like crazy it was my nan and tommy, I heard someone yell not to jump but there was no one there. I peered over the edge as I slipped on the wet pavement and grabbed the top with my fingers. Avril stood above me "remember im doing this for you" she said unclasping my fingers as I scramed and fell towards the concrete below me..

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