Chapter Sixteen

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I thought this is it im going to die, without telling my granparents how sorry I was for the way ive acted. Without telling Tommy goodbye, oh Tommy with his brown eyes and floppy hair and his beautiful smile I wont get to tell him how much he means to me to tell him that Im in love with him. Its all because of me ive ruined everything and destroyed everyone I care about, I braced myself for the impact but it never came.

I felt something grip my waist tightly as I was pulled upwards, I pushed at whatever was holding me as they held me tighter. "Angel its ok ive got you" a voice said as I looked up into brown eyes, "tommy?" I whispered running a finger over his cheek. "Yeah Angel youre safe now we went looking for you" he said hugging me. "Did you find her Tommy!" a voice said as I saw my nan running towards me, "nan" I said as she knelt down next to me and pulled me into her.

"Im so sorry nan I shouldnt have acted like I did" I said crying, "its ok baby everything is ok, wait what happened to your face?" she asked moving my hair from my face. "They hit me said it was my fault I slipped" I said as a sharp pain resonated through my ribs, "we need to get her to the hospital" Tommy said pulling out his mobile and dialling.

The next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed, my granparents and tommy were sitting round the bed watching me and chatting quietly. "Shes awake!" Tommy said as everyone looked over at me, "hey angel how are you feeling?" my grandad asked. "Ok thanks" I replied propping myself up on the pillows.

"We are going to get a tea do you want anything tommy?" my grandad questioned, "no im fine thank you im going to stay and keep angel company" he replied. "Ok then" my gran said giving tommy a sneaky smile as he blushed, "what was that about?" I asked. "What was what?" he questioned innocently, "that whole thing with my nan a little suspicious" I teased.

"No but I do have something to tell you" he answered, "if its oh you need help then I already know" I said smiling. "No its not that" he said laughing quietly, "well go on then dont leave me hanging" I said. "Ok here goes.. well you know youre my best friend right and what I want to tell you I hope it doesnt ruin that" he told me. "Tommy get to the point" I said, "Ok ok ok well I need to tell you that from the moment I met you I was hooked and when we found you today I really thought I was done. Because without you my life is nothing and thats because well I love you and I know you probably dont feel the same but I.." he said.

"Shh enough" I told him placing my finger on his lips, "what are you do.." he mumbled as I pulled him towards me and kissed him. "Ahem sorrry to interupt" my na  said as I looked up and saw her smiling at me before I let tommy go. "Well looks like you guys are all sorted" my grandad said as me and tommy flushed scarlet. "Yeah looks like we are" I answered as they all laughed, "good to know" they replied.


A week later..

So im home now recovering, I go into counselling next week. I will probably get put into rehab for the drugs and drink just to make sure im clean, my nan and tommy have blitzed the house theres nothing sharp what so ever. Tommy said he will stand by me no matter what, my nan and grandad are the same. Hopefully I will go back to how I was before, as for the gang they have been arrested for shoving me and are in custody. With any luck they wont ever get out, I still miss my mum but its getting easier and im glad to have tommy and my grandparents there for me. I guess Im lucky in a way and now I realise that I was only hurting myself with my bad behaviour lately. I nearly lost my family and friends for a dodgy gang , drugs and drink. But thats in the past now, im going to get help and be myself again.

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