Chapter Ten

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A/N ok guys this is the chapter were it all starts to turn around!!! Again dont read if things like self harming etc affect you. Enjoy...

A few weeks later...

The hospital just rang, my grandparents are at work so I have to go myself. I grabbed my phone an dialled Tommys number, "look I know you hate me right now but I have to go back to the hospital and I dont know if I can see my mom like that alone. I need you Tommy please come." I left it on his answer phone, I also left a message on my nans. I grabbed my bag and headed to catch the bus.

The bus stopped outside the main entrance as I climbed off and walked to the reception desk, "may I help you?" the receptionist asked. "Yeah I got a call from you with regards to my mom Eloise Greene?" I said as she looked up something on the computer. "Ok then take a seat a doctor will be with you in a few minutes" she said as I nodded and sat in the waiting room.

A doctor wandered over to me, "Angelique greene?" he asked I nodded. "If you would to come with me to my office where we can talk, is there no one else with you?"he asked. "My nan is coming from work I rang her" I said. "Oh right ok then please follow me" h said as I followed him to an office, "please have a seat" he said gesturing to the chair.

I sat down, "Ok so what's this about?" I questioned. "Well as you know your mom is very sick, shes not responding to any treatment, I'm afraid there's noting more we can do to help her now. Those machines are all that's keeping her alive, I think its time you started to consider letting her go. Now I know its a big decision and not one that should be rushed so we will give you a while to think about it and talk it through with your grandparents. I really am very sorry" he explained.

Later that day I was standing outside my mom's room I looked through the window and placed my hand on it. She looked like herself minus the bandages, I couldn't get my head around the fact that only machines were keeping her alive. I figured that she would be in pain and I didn't want that, I knew it was time to let her go.

I rang my Nan but it went to answerphone so I left a message, I pushed open the door and walked over to her bedside. I took her hand in mine and brushed her curls away from her face, "you have no idea how much I am going to miss you mom. You are my best friend and my mom. But I know that you are in pain and I don't want you to be so I guess this is it" I said trying not to cry.

A doctor came in and stood next to me, "did you decide?" he asked. "Yeah she needs to be at peace its time" I said clinging to her hand. The doctor pulled a plug as the machine made a constant beep and flatlined. The doctor removed all the tubes and the mask then laid the bed down, "I'll give you a minute" he said exiting the room.

I glanced at her and kissed her head before covering her, I left the room and slid to the floor. I started to sob as I buried my head in my arms. I felt as though someone stabbed me repeatedly in the chest as I started to shake. I felt arms wrap around me as I looked up to see a pair of brown eyes, "Angel I came as soon as I got your message what happened?" he asked hugging me tightly.

"She's gone Tommy she's gone" I sobbed as he gently rocked me. "Come on let's go and get some air" he said pulling me up, my legs wouldn't work as he scooped me up in his arms and carried me outside and placed me on a bench. "I need to ring my nan" I said, "pass me your phone i'll ring her" he replied as I handed him my phone.

He dialled my nans number and wandered a few metres from me chatting away, once he was done he sat down next to me. "They are on their way" he said handing me my phone, "I know you hate me but im glad you came" I said. "Why would I hate you Angel?" he asked, "because I was such a cow to you" I said. "You know how I feel about you Angel I could never hate you" he told me.

His brown eyes met mine as he leant towards me, I actually wanted him to kiss me. Just as our lips were centimetres away my nan came running over as he pulled away and blushed. "Babygirl Im so sorry I wasnt there with you my boss wouldnt let me leave, is she really gone?" she said quietly as I nodded. She collapsed into my arms and cried as I wrapped my arms around her, "It will be ok" I said trying to comfort her...

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