Calming a berry

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Blue P.O.V
I woke up on a cold, Stoney floor and saw a light come through a door, things were still a bit blurry, then I heard foot step... "w-who are you...w-what do you want?" No answer. I heard more steps. I asked again. No answer. More steps... until... they came to a stop, I looked up and saw a figure. Then my vision cleared...It.Was.Dust. He smirked and said "do you need anything" I was shocked...he sounded so calm...his voice was soothing? I was calm... "no" I replied in a cold tone. "Don't be so cold" he threw a blanket at me. "Here, I know it's pretty cold in here"...he left the room and probably won't come back for a while so I slowly fell asleep(no not a underfell pun, you guys don't deserve this pun-ishment)

Heyo I know this was really shot and didn't have much in it but I'm really board rn soooo....yeah so bai my little dustbunnies (I decided to change the nickname based on the story?)

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