Chapter 4

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Keith stepped into the hangar of the red lion, staring up at it blankly. A low humming sound was emitted from the robot cat, which Keith knew was Red talking to him. "Yeah, we got a mission." he replied softly, letting the lion bend over and hold its mouth open. He hesitated, stepping into the mouth and letting the lion swallow him whole. He sat at the dashboard and breathed for moment, his hands softly resting on the arms of his seat. Another low hum came from Red. "I know, girl...But I can't tell him yet.." he whispered, assuming she was referring to Lance.

{I'm always here for you, Keith} she said calmly before going silent on him. Keith placed his hands on the controls and let Red take off, following the rest of the paladins.

"Hey, what took you so long, Keith?" Pidge asked through the transmitter.

"Just had a talk with Red. It's nothing to worry about." he reassured, following not far behind the blue lion, hoping to maybe keep her and her pilot safe. Keith found it strange that sometimes Blue would talk to him. He knew she wasn't his lion, but he didn't know why she held a small bond with him. Every so often, she would say things like {Keep him safe, Keith.} Again, he assumed she was referring to Lance, but he hadn't a clue of why his and Lance's lions both spoke to him about Lance. It was almost as if they knew about how he felt about Lance.

[Paladins, listen to me for a moment.] Allura's voice suddenly interrupted his thoughts. He quickly shifted his attention to her instructions to make sure he did everything he was supposed to do correctly.

[We are attacking a galra base. Keep in mind, this operation may get extremely dangerous.] she said her normal lines before battle.

[The first thing we need to do is take out the fleet of galra soldiers protecting the base. We will not need Voltron for this, but neither will we need all five lions. Shiro, Hunk, Pidge, and Lance, you will be fighting the galra fleet while Keith sneaks into the base. The galra will be too distracted with us, as well as the castle attacking, to notice Keith. Keith, we will warn you if you are being followed.]

"Of course, princess." he responded shortly. He expected Lance to say something like "I should be the one sneaking in," but he didn't. Next to Green, Red was the smallest lion. It would've been better if Pidge went instead.

"Wait a minute, princess. Don't you think it would be better if Pidge took my place? The Green lion is the smallest and has a cloaking ability."

Allura was silent for a moment.

"I will admit, that is a good point, but we need the Red lion's speed to get to the base fast enough. Pidge, maybe you could put a temorary cloak on Red..?"

"I could, princess, but like you said it would only be temporary. Keith would have to be pretty fast before it wears off."

"Keith?" Shiro asked, not speaking this entire time until now. What was more strange was the fact that Lance hadn't made a sound since they left. Keith began to worry about him.

"Yeah, I can do it." he finally answered, waiting for Allura's command to attack. The other lions turned to look at him. He felt a warm vibration from Red as he heard her purr a small but encouraging gester.

"Whenever you're ready, princess." Shiro had said, noting everyone was already prepared.

"Paladins, attack!"

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