as • your boyfriend

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the cutest boyfriend ever. always blushes when you say ' i love you ' and you find it so adorable. calls you everyday just to ask if you ate yet. he takes care of you and always asks you on a dates most likely end up at a park admiring each other. he's just so fluffy and loveable.

such a tease but y'all love each other. takes random pictures of you cs he loves you and it's cute. mostly go out on long drives or sit at the beach at 3am together. he takes you to beautiful places and you love him so much.

he knows you so well, when your feeling upset he always finds a way to make lift your mood. very sweet and buys you flowers because he really really really loves you. his favourite thing is cuddling and you both like to stay indoors most of the time, watching, sleeping and making music. you are his inspiration.

playful af always plays pranks you you but you prank him back cs your the fun type. he showers you with kisses however he gets shy at times. you love his smile and when he tells you he loves you at the most random times your heart just skips a beat. you go to cute cafes together and take a lot of selfies cs why not.

doesn't talk much about his feelings however he loves you a lot and shows it through cute gestures such as giving to small sticky notes reminding you that he loves you. he hugs you a lot and holds your hands when you guys go out. he mostly takes you to the movies or amusement parks because you both enjoy it.


oml so i might re - do this bcs i kinda rushed it. also im sorry for the very very very late update i have been busy w so many exams and assignments, forgive me lovelies!!

i will upload more soon stay tuned :)

— K ✨

Q : what do you look for in a guy?

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