your • first date

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amusement park is the way to go because you both love the amusement park. you guys aren't afraid to go on roller coasters or the famous haunted house which makes it 10 times better and he would take pictures of you while your eating ice cream together. then the day then ends with a kiss on the ferris wheel. ( i know typical k making things chEESY AS )

the smell of coffee fills you up as you enter the shop and you see a nervous yet handsome looking sungjin. your ideal way to spend the day together is drinking coffee, having sweet treats and getting to know each other a little better. plus a win - win situation cs he makes you laugh heaps.

this gentleman would take you to the city and you guys would walk around shopping and drinking some bubble tea, cause both of y'all are addicted to that yummy stuff. soon you go to a restaurant and admire each other aND the view ofc. your whole day is filled with laughter and taking a whole heap of pictures together.

your first date with wonpil would be a picnic at the park. you would both read and feed each other food that you made, talk about random stuff and play with dogs that pass by. soon he takes you bike riding and you wish the day doesn't end.

your ideal date is watching a movie at the cinema and that is exactly where dowoon takes you bcs he's a cute man. you both like any type of genre however as cheesy as it sounds you both pick a romantic movie. whilst your watching you go for the popcorn and accidentally feel his hands and evacuate quickly, he blushes so much and you think it's hella cute.


zaAHHHH IM SCREAMING HOW DID I WRITE THIS AHAH FORGIVE ME :: but imagine actually going on a date with day 6, like dayuuum these are pretty hella cute ahah im sorry.

- K 💘

Q: what is your ideal type of date?
comment cause im curious :)

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