Will I ever be free

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Clary P.O.V
I woke up in a cold room with a stone floor. My face had a scratch on it, but other than that I was unharmed. Suddenly all the memories came back. I abruptly sat up looking for some way to get out. After endless searching I decided that I was stuck. Next I tried figuring out what time it was. There wasn't even a window but I was estimating 12 hours. I tried seeing if any of the few weapons I had on me were still there, but they weren't. I shuddered at the thought of Sebastian's hands on me to take my weapons. I heard a door open and ran quickly to the corner. Suddenly the door to my cell opened. " Though your efforts were futile to find a weapon or an exit it was quite fun to watch" he said. " you were watching me, you creep" I said coldly. "Well that's no way to talk to your big brother now is it?" He asked a sly look on his face. Suddenly I was up against the wall and his arms formed a cage around me. He pushed his lips on mine and I clamped my mouth shut. He pressed harder but I refused. He finally backed away saying, " You are a difficult one indeed sister. For this time I will let you go. Follow me to a proper room. That is unless you'd rather stay here" I nodded silently and followed him. He brought me to a room with two windows, both covered with bars, a bed, dresser, bookshelf and attached bathroom. Once he left I locked and shut the door. I sat down on the bed. And I cried.

Jace P.O.V
I was pacing around the library of the institute while Isabelle was sitting in the corner with her head in her hands and Alec was on the phone. We had called Magnus and he was on his way. I knew Sebastian had probably blocked the tracking spell on Clary but I had to try. Who knows what he was doing to her. I felt anger and sadness and guilt all bubble up inside me and before I knew it I had my fist in the wall. I continued to take it all out on the wall when Alec ran over to me and pulled me back. Now, I wasn't one for showing weakness, but when it came to Clary, she was my life. The only thing I had to live for. I just broke. And for the first time in 10 years I cried. I cried for Clary. I cried for whatever Sebastian was doing for her, and I cried for me.

Clary P.O.V
After what I'm assuming was about an hour Sebastian came into my room. He looked at me like I was his prey and it sent a shiver down my spine, but I refused to be weak in front of him. "Clarissa , get ready we have somewhere to be. There is a dress in the closet." He ordered. " I'm not going anywhere with you" I replied, my words laced with venom. "You continue to defy me Clarissa. It seems I must just have to take care of that." He said. Oh boy. I pissed him off. Maybe that wasn't the best idea. He grabbed my arms and dragged me back to the cell type thing I was in before. This time there were two iron chains hanging from the ceiling, and before I knew it my wrists were cuffed in and I was dangling. I knew my face was stricken with fear, but I mean could you blame me? I tugged down  my wrists, but immediately cried out in pain. The cuffs had little needle like things inside them and as soon as I felt the burning sensation I knew they had to have been covered in demon blood. He took a swing at my face and I rocked back. A searing pain shot through my cheek, but I couldn't focus on that because the next blow came to my ribs. I a series of cracking noises. Ugh him and his stupid demon strength. Next thing I new he pulled out a knife and put it at my shoulder. He dragged down my skin and left a large cut. That would certainly need stitches. He pulled the knife back to his hand and cut it. Blood spilled out and he put his hand over me. Demon blood burns angel blooded creatures. I screamed in agony , but Sebastian just looked bored. After a minute of agonizing pain I felt my vision go dark. Eventually I let myself slip away into the darkness.

A/N ok guys first I would like to say thanks for reading. I know it's kind of lagging right now, but I promise it will get better. Also I know this is only the second part but please comment and let me know if anyone is actually reading this. Also I kinda wanted to bring out Jace's vulnerable side and I know that's completely out of character for him but I really wanted to show how much he loved Clary and how it was affecting him. That's all I got. I will try to update sometime this week. Later

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