Tis it truly over?

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We might just be okay. The words rung in my head. Did I really believe that. Or was I just feeding myself lies. It had been a few days and we were all on our tip toes expecting an attack any second. Maryse, Luke, Robert, and Jocelyn were all here now. When Jocelyn saw Clary they pretty much sat together and just cried. I knew Jocelyn was hurting because Jonathan was ehr son and some part of her loved the good side of him. Poor boy never stood a chance with his monster of a father. Suddenly we heard a loud bang outside and everyone jumped up drawing weapons preparing for a fight. Alec ran to the window and drew back the curtain. "What are those things?" I heard Alec ask. We all got up and ran to the window. In the front was Jonathan and behind him was an army. An army of what you might ask. Shadowhunters. But these weren't any normal shadowhunters. In his right hand he held the infernal cup and in his left a sword. I recognized some of the faces in the army. They were the endarkened.

Clary P.O.V.

"What are those things?' Alec asked. We all made our way to the window. By the angel he actually succeeded. He held the infernal cup in one hand and a sword in the other. He was here for a war and I would gladly give him one. "They're endarkened" I whispered. "They're shadowhunters who were forced to drink demonic blood from the infernal cup. It's like hell's version of the mortal cup." Jace expanded on what I had said. Then suddenly we heard what sounded like horse hooves and magical looking creatures landed next to in their army next to the endarkened. "Is that the wild hunt?' my mom asked. "No" Alec said "The wild hunt isn't affiliated with the Seelie Court. Assuming thats who he is allied with." "They must just be soldiers of the court then" Izzy said. I kinda forgot of her history with the seelies. Well the fey we can take care of if we all have some kind of iron on us but the endarkened are another story." Jace concluded. "I know how to stop the endarkened. The only way to stop them is to kill Jonathan. Which will not be easy. But I have a plan. You all keep off the endarkened and the fey. I'll deal with Jonathan." I said. Immediately after i said this a chorus of 'Clary no' was heard. Huh wow all of them are against it. "Don't worry guys I got this. Suit up we got a battle to win." I said determined and with a flip of my hair I walked to the armory. I grabbed my stele and a few daggers and two seraph blades. We created a formation and opened the door. This caught the attention of the army I took a deep breath. I had a plan, but trust me it was not going to be easy to execute. I had to make my way to him first. Soon everything was chaotic. Swords were clashing, war cries could be heard, and people were flying everywhere. Out of nowhere about 100 wolves showed up and I realized Luke must have called them in. Then warlocks. About 75 warlocks. Sparks were flying at this point. It was hard to be slaughtering the endarkened because we knew these people. They were shadowhunters but I had to keep reminding myself that they really weren't.

Simon P.O.V.

I was trying to keep my eye on Izzy and Clary at the same time. Man these girls were going to be the death of me. I looked around for Izzy and saw her facing off with Jonathan. Literally they were going to be the death of me. "IZZY NO!" I yelled catching Alec and her parents attention. " I started to make my way towards her but it was hard when tons of crazed demonic shadowhunters were after me. I saw her bring her whip down across Jonathans face and it definetley left a mark. The adamas in her whip must still burn him. She landed a few punches and kicks on him yelling at him. I didn't quite understand all of what she was saying but I caught a few parts sick, twisted, pathetic. I had a feeling Izzy really needed to have it out with him. Unfortunately this angered him and he raised his sword ready to bring it down on her. We were all trying to get there, but suddenly a soft hand was placed on his arm holding the sword. He quickly whipped around ready to kill whoever interrupted him, but lowered the sword when he saw it was Clary. Izzy slowly backed away leaving Clary to finish him. Izzy came to me and I held her in my arms closely.

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