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Hey guys! So I know this isn't a chapter but I wanted to talk about shadowhunters, the show, quick. As you probably know they wrapped filming for shadowhunters Friday August 3rd. There is still a possibility that it may be picked up by another network, but its kind of looking like that may not happen. I really love the show and I think all the cast members represent their characters so well. Even if it isn't picked up we still have 12 episodes. They have announced the Luke Baines will be playing Jonathan, Sydney Meyer will be playing Helen Blackthorn, and Kimberly- Sue Murray will be playing the seelie queen. Let me know in the comments what you think about these actors portraying these characters. Anyway I just wanted to say that its super sad the show is ending, but we will forever be part of the shadow fam. Also sorry if you don't watch the show, you probably don't care about any of this ,sorry. That's all. And I plan to have the next chapter up tomorrow. This story is coming to an end and tomorrow may  be the last chapter, but I'm not positive! Thanks for reading this long message!! 





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