XIV // Rafael

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A U T H O R ' S
Smut! Don't read if you don't like!

This was the day. She and Peter were going to tell her dad today.

Luna sighed and turned around to face Peter. They were still in bed, even though it was almost noon. Peter was already facing her, and they just stared at each other for minutes.

Luna felt nervous. Very.

Peter, of course, noticed. "There's no need to be scared, baby. I'll be there." Peter smiles slightly, raising his hand to caress Luna's cheek.

"I know.. But what if he doesn't approve us, what if he hurts you. I don't want that." She sighed and a tear rolled down her face.

"O, baby." Peter murmured and pulled her body into his. He let her cry and kisses her head. "Everything's going to be okay."

Once Luna has calmed down, she murmurs into his chest, "You do realize my dad owns a gun, right?"

"You do realize I'm a werewolf, right?" He chuckles, pulling Luna closer. "I'll be fine."

"I'm hungry." Luna says, out of nowhere and pulls back to look at Peter.

"Let's do something about that." Peter smirks and kisses her. "If you shower or bathe, I'll make breakfast."

Luna pretended to be thinking. "Or... We bathe together, and we'll make breakfast after that." She smiles, biting her lip.

"Sounds like heaven." Peter looks into her eyes and keeps staring at her for another five minutes. "You're the most amazing girl I've ever met." He says out of nowhere.

Her heart melts at his words and she blushes. She leans in to kiss him but right before their lips connect, she jumps off the bed and strips out of all her clothes, making Peter's jaw drop.

She walks towards the bathroom and before she goes in, she turns her head and says, "Hurry, before I lock the door."

Peter quickly makes his way to the bathroom. He kisses Luna and turns on the water. Then he looks around. "Wow." He manages to bring out. Luna has already decorated the place with candles and rose petals. "When did you do all of this?"

Luna smiles at his reaction. She had wanted to make this romantic. She felt like she needed this, now they were going to tell her dad, to get rid of some stress. "Last night..." She smiles and grabs a lighter to light the candles. Then she dims the overhead lights and turns around to face Peter, who's stripped out of his clothes now too.

No matter how many times she saw Peter naked, the sight of him still took her breath away. Her hands found his chest and she felt his muscles relaxing underneath them.

Peter kissed her and pulled her towards the bath. He sat down in it and held out his hand for Luna to take and join him in the warm water.

She did and let her back rest against Peter's chest. His arms were wrapped around her from behind and his breath was warm against her neck. He kissed her neck and sighed. "This is perfect."

It was perfect. It was romantic. Exactly how she'd wanted it to be. She turned around and silently thanked Peter for having such a huge bath. She straddled him and kissed him. He kissed her back and his hands immediately found her waist. She felt his member grow hard underneath her as she ground on him.

He groans and tries to push his hips up. Luna takes him in her hand and places him at her entrance. "Wow, wait, baby. Don't you want to use a condom?" He asked, worried.

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